Intent to Ship: EyeDropper API

511 צפיות
מעבר להודעה הראשונה שלא נקראה

Ionel Popescu

לא נקראה,
13 באוג׳ 2021, 17:04:0913.8.2021
עד,Bo Cupp,

Contact emails,






API spec 




The EyeDropper API enables developers to use a browser-supplied eyedropper in the construction of custom color pickers.


Blink component



TAG review


TAG review status

Issues addressed




Interoperability and Compatibility


The new API can be feature-detected by checking for the existence of the EyeDropper interface on the window object. On browsers without support, web apps can invoke the full color picker programmatically.


Chrome: Public support


Gecko: No signal


WebKit: No signal


Web developers: Positive





No special support is needed.


Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests?

Yes, to the extent that it can be.


Flag name



Tracking bug


Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status


Links to previous Intent discussions

Intent to prototype:

This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status.

Yoav Weiss

לא נקראה,
26 באוג׳ 2021, 8:14:2826.8.2021
עד blink-dev,Ionel Popescu,Bo Cupp,

This seems like a useful API, that can help users perform creative tasks that are impossible on the web today. (or require the user to jump through hoops)
Looking forward to this being able to represent the actual colors picked, once a `Color` object becomes a real boy.

On Friday, August 13, 2021 at 7:04:09 PM UTC+2 Ionel Popescu wrote:

Contact emails,






API spec 




The EyeDropper API enables developers to use a browser-supplied eyedropper in the construction of custom color pickers.


Blink component



TAG review

Great feedback from the TAG!! Thanks for addressing it. 

Chris Harrelson

לא נקראה,
26 באוג׳ 2021, 17:04:0826.8.2021
עד Yoav Weiss,blink-dev,Ionel Popescu,Bo Cupp,

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Mike West

לא נקראה,
26 באוג׳ 2021, 19:08:2826.8.2021
עד Chris Harrelson,Yoav Weiss,blink-dev,Ionel Popescu,Bo Cupp,
LGTM3. I'm particularly happy with the way this evolved after excellent feedback from our colleagues in the TAG. Thank you!


Yoav Weiss

לא נקראה,
27 באוג׳ 2021, 13:23:5127.8.2021
עד blink-dev,Mike West,Yoav Weiss,blink-dev,Ionel Popescu,Bo Cupp,,Chris Harrelson
One question that came up (and that should've been included in the template): Will this be supported on all platforms?


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Stephen McGruer

לא נקראה,
27 באוג׳ 2021, 13:53:1327.8.2021
עד blink-dev,Yoav Weiss,Mike West,blink-dev,Ionel Popescu,Bo Cupp,,Chris Harrelson
> One question that came up (and that should've been included in the template): Will this be supported on all platforms?

FYI: This appears to be a problem with Chromestatus-generated I2Ss, I think (as I noticed the same for SPC just now), so I filed

Yoav Weiss

לא נקראה,
27 באוג׳ 2021, 14:42:1027.8.2021
עד Stephen McGruer,blink-dev,Mike West,Ionel Popescu,Bo Cupp,,Chris Harrelson
Thanks for filing that, Stephen! :)


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Ionel Popescu

לא נקראה,
27 באוג׳ 2021, 17:35:3327.8.2021
עד blink-dev,,blink-dev,Mike West,Ionel Popescu,Bo Cupp,,Chris Harrelson,
On Friday, 27 August 2021 at 07:42:10 UTC-7 wrote:
Thanks for filing that, Stephen! :)

On Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 3:53 PM Stephen McGruer <> wrote:
> One question that came up (and that should've been included in the template): Will this be supported on all platforms?

FYI: This appears to be a problem with Chromestatus-generated I2Ss, I think (as I noticed the same for SPC just now), so I filed

On Friday, August 27, 2021 at 9:23:51 AM UTC-4 Yoav Weiss wrote:
One question that came up (and that should've been included in the template): Will this be supported on all platforms?

Thanks for pointing this out! I have added the missing information.
Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?
Initially, we are planning to support this only on desktop operating systems and will consider bringing it to mobile if there is demand.


לא נקראה,
31 באוג׳ 2021, 8:32:0131.8.2021
עד blink-dev,Ionel Popescu,,blink-dev,Mike West,Ionel Popescu,Bo Cupp,,Chris Harrelson,

I plan to migrate the color picker in Chrome Devtools to the EyeDropper API, but there are currently several problems:

  1. There is no independent cursor on the left side of the magnifying glass (the magnifying glass will cover the content at the bottom of the screen, making it difficult to move the cursor)
  2. It is not possible to continuously click to select the color.
  3. macOS pre 10.15 magnifying glass is square(see bug 1130415).


Ionel Popescu

לא נקראה,
1 בספט׳ 2021, 15:58:171.9.2021
עד blink-dev,一丝,Ionel Popescu,,blink-dev,Mike West,Bo Cupp,,Chris Harrelson,
On Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 01:32:01 UTC-7 一丝 wrote:

I plan to migrate the color picker in Chrome Devtools to the EyeDropper API, but there are currently several problems:

 Thanks yiorsi@ for the work to integrate the new EyeDropper API into the devtools color picker! I have followed up on the opened crbugs and github issue.

Anne van Kesteren

לא נקראה,
23 בספט׳ 2021, 12:13:3223.9.2021
עד Ionel Popescu,,Bo Cupp,
On Fri, Aug 13, 2021 at 7:04 PM 'Ionel Popescu' via blink-dev
<> wrote:

It seems some security issues were opened against this document post
LGTMs. And after these issues were raised there hasn't been a lot of
activity on the repository which makes me wonder what is going on.
Does anyone know?
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