Primary eng (and PM) emails,
Link to “Intent to Deprecate” thread
No deprecate thread; a deprecation message was added in
Remove webkitAudioContext and webkitOfflineAudioContext in favor of AudioContext and OfflineAudioContext. We plan on removing the prefix in M58, but also updating the current deprecation message to mention explicitly this milestone for removal.
This aligns WebAudio with the specification and Chrome’s general desire of not using prefixed features anymore.
Compatibility Risk
There is some small risk of breaking existing applications. Chrome has supported WebAudio since mid-2011 or so and, of course, so did Safari. Firefox introduced WebAudio in 2013. Edge supports WebAudio, but Internet Explorer has not and will not. Chrome has supported both the prefixed and unprefixed version but Firefox and Edge have never supported a prefix version. Safari, however, still only supports the prefixed version.
Usage information from UseCounter has an analysis of the usage and what would break. (Thanks to for doing the analysis.) Only 17 were judged to be problematic and of those, only one would seem to be broken by this change, except it was already broken because it uses createGainNode which was renamed to createGain many years ago.
OWP launch tracking bug
Entry on the feature dashboard
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