Intent to Ship: Stricter mixed content check for blob and filesystem URLs

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Frédéric Wang

Feb 1, 2021, 10:17:08 AM2/1/21

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The Mixed Content specification describes how a user agent should handle fetching of unsecure content from a secure context. For that purpose, Chrome currently treats any blob: and filesystem: content as secure although the spec says their origin should be checked instead (i.e. blob://https://... is secure but blob://http://... is not). This change is about making the mixed content checker follow this stricter behavior.

Blink component



Interoperability and Compatibility

Interop: Currently browsers implement different rules but in general they seem to agree about increasing security, so this is going into the right direction. Compat: There is a possible regression since Chrome will now treat some pages like blob://http://... as unsecure for the purpose of mixed content check.

Gecko: No signal

Edge: No signal

WebKit: No signal

Web developers: No signals

Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests?

No (only internal tests)

Tracking bug

Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status.
Frédéric Wang

Domenic Denicola

Feb 1, 2021, 11:32:51 AM2/1/21
to Frédéric Wang,
From: <> On Behalf Of Frédéric Wang

> Is this feature fully tested by
> No (only internal tests)

Do you plan to add such tests as part of this work?

Frédéric Wang

Feb 1, 2021, 2:28:33 PM2/1/21
to Domenic Denicola,
The current CL ( ) does
not have WPT tests, but yeah new one should probably be added. Note
however that despite the fact that the filesystem: scheme is mentioned
on the Secure Contexts spec, it's really a chrome-specific one and is
not considered by the WHATWG's URL spec ( ). So not sure we can
really write a test for that one.

Frédéric Wang

Mike Taylor

Feb 1, 2021, 4:28:43 PM2/1/21
to Frédéric Wang, Domenic Denicola,
On 2/1/21 1:28 PM, Frédéric Wang wrote:
> The current CL (
> ) does
> not have WPT tests, but yeah new one should probably be added. Note
> however that despite the fact that the filesystem: scheme is mentioned
> on the Secure Contexts spec, it's really a chrome-specific one and is
> not considered by the WHATWG's URL spec (
> ). So not sure we can
> really write a test for that one.

A ".tentative" test may be an option for the filesystem stuff:


Mike West

Feb 3, 2021, 8:54:22 AM2/3/21
to Mike Taylor, Frédéric Wang, Domenic Denicola,
This is simply a bug in our implementation, counter to the spec (and good sense!). I'd be comfortable shipping it as a bug fix. So, at least LGTM1. :)

I agree with both Domenic that we really do need WPT for this, and with Mike that `.tentative` is a reasonable way of supporting `filesystem:` tests in WPT (possibly with an `assert_implements_optional("webkitRequestFileSystem" in window)` gate).


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Feb 4, 2021, 3:40:36 AM2/4/21
to blink-dev,,,,,

Daniel Bratell

Feb 4, 2021, 2:50:53 PM2/4/21
to, blink-dev,,,,


But please make a reasonable attempt at a WPT so that we ensure interoperability in the future.


Joshua Bell

Feb 4, 2021, 8:01:44 PM2/4/21
to Mike West, Mike Taylor, Frédéric Wang, Domenic Denicola,
On Wed, Feb 3, 2021 at 5:54 AM Mike West <> wrote:
This is simply a bug in our implementation, counter to the spec (and good sense!). I'd be comfortable shipping it as a bug fix. So, at least LGTM1. :)

I agree with both Domenic that we really do need WPT for this, and with Mike that `.tentative` is a reasonable way of supporting `filesystem:` tests in WPT (possibly with an `assert_implements_optional("webkitRequestFileSystem" in window)` gate).

Minor aside on this - we're not attempting to push for adoption of "filesystem:" URLs beyond Chrome, so consider landing those tests in third_party/blink/web_tests/wpt_internal/ instead. Tests should be written and executed in exactly the same way and could easily be upstreamed if our stance ever changes.

On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 10:28 PM 'Mike Taylor' via blink-dev <> wrote:
On 2/1/21 1:28 PM, Frédéric Wang wrote:
> The current CL (
> ) does
> not have WPT tests, but yeah new one should probably be added. Note
> however that despite the fact that the filesystem: scheme is mentioned
> on the Secure Contexts spec, it's really a chrome-specific one and is
> not considered by the WHATWG's URL spec (
> ). So not sure we can
> really write a test for that one.

A ".tentative" test may be an option for the filesystem stuff:


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Frédéric Wang

Feb 11, 2021, 5:25:27 AM2/11/21
Le 05/02/2021 à 02:01, Joshua Bell a écrit :

Minor aside on this - we're not attempting to push for adoption of "filesystem:" URLs beyond Chrome, so consider landing those tests in third_party/blink/web_tests/wpt_internal/ instead. Tests should be written and executed in exactly the same way and could easily be upstreamed if our stance ever changes.

Thank you everybody. I'll look into how I can write a WPT test. I think I prefer the option of putting filesystem in wpt_internal, though.

Frédéric Wang

Frédéric Wang

Feb 12, 2021, 6:18:49 AM2/12/21


I tried a WPT with a https page opening a (http or https) popup which in turns create a blob. Then using the fetch API or a <script src> to request the blob url gives the following errors:

CONSOLE ERROR: line 16: Fetch API cannot load blob:http://web-platform.test:8001/818acb4f-1c92-4188-896d-bde429ccd113. URL scheme must be "http" or "https" for CORS request.
CONSOLE ERROR: line 29: Not allowed to load local resource: blob:http://web-platform.test:8001/818acb4f-1c92-4188-896d-bde429ccd113

This seems to happen before the mixed content check, so it actually does not detect the behavior change of the CL. I'm not sure there is a way to play with the definitions of "potentially trustworthy origin" and "mixed content" to write a test that actually exhibits the behavior change ; or whether the change is just not web-exposed. In any case, my CL now has an internal test for blob/filesystem and this wpt test for blob. At the end, I believe I'll skip the internal wpt test for filesystem given previous feedback that we don't plan to standardize this scheme.

Frédéric Wang

Marijn Kruisselbrink

Feb 12, 2021, 12:14:50 PM2/12/21
to Frédéric Wang, blink-dev
It sounds like what you're running into is that in at least the chrome implementation blob URLs are not allowed to be fetched cross-origin. So for subresource requests the page loading the blob URL and the blob URL itself always have to be same origin, and most navigations can only be initiated by same-origin windows as well. Unfortunately not all browsers behave quite the same, and none of this is currently really specified (see for some details). But yes, I think you're right and there shouldn't be any way to get mixed origin content using blob URLs.

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