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Intent to Extend Experiment: JavaScript Promise Integration

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Francis McCabe

Jun 24, 2024, 1:31:58 PM6/24/24
to blink-dev

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Design docs


Stack Switching denotes a technology that allows programs to suspend and resume computation. This is an active area that is part of the WebAssembly standards track. See and This particular feature refers to the integration between JavaScript Promises and stack switching. This is described in more detail in

Blink component


Search tags

stack switchingPromiseJSPI

TAG review

TAG review status


Chromium Trial Name


Origin Trial documentation link

WebFeature UseCounter name



Interoperability and Compatibility

This spec is backed by a standardization effort. We do not plan to ship the JSPI until it has been standardized by the W3C Wasm WG. However, post standardization, we will depend on all browsers implementing the standard.

Gecko: Positive ( Mozilla have started their own imlementation

WebKit: No signal

Web developers: No signals

Other signals:


Making use of JSPI requires some changes by WebAssembly-based developers (no impact on JavaScript developers). Depending on their toolchain usage a developer will need to modify their code. For Emscripten users, this is likely to be minimal as support for JSPI exists in Emscripten.


1. Control flow integrity. 2. Ensuring that JavaScript programs cannot suspend via JSPI.

WebView application risks

Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?

Goals for experimentation

Reason this experiment is being extended

JSPI is part of a standards track effort. We are currently in 'stage 3' of a five stage process. The next stage (4) is when a specification is deemed final. There was a change in the API which we soft launched in M126 but we would like to formally switch to this new API in M129. (We had informed our users that we would be maintaining the old API through the end of the OT.) So, in summary there are two reasons for extending the origin trial: 1. We are not quite ready to move the spec to phase 4. This is for non-implementation reasons: we need to draft and review the specification text. 2. We would like to allow sufficient time for users to fully experiment with the new API. We anticipate being able to fully ship JSPI before the end of 2024, but also dont want to have to ask for yet another extension.

Ongoing technical constraints



Developers can piggyback on existing DevTools support for Promises to help with debugging JSPI applications. In particular the existing mechanisms for constructing extended stack traces from so-called Promise chains will also include stack traces from JSPI applications.

Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, and Android WebView)?


Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests?


Flag name on chrome://flags


Finch feature name


Non-finch justification


Requires code in //chrome?


Tracking bug

Estimated milestones

Origin trial desktop first123
Origin trial desktop last128
Origin trial extension 1 end milestone134
DevTrial on desktop109
OriginTrial Android last128
OriginTrial Android first123
OriginTrial webView last128
OriginTrial webView first123

Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

Links to previous Intent discussions

Intent to prototype: Intent to Experiment:

This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status.

Rick Byers

Jun 24, 2024, 3:47:23 PM6/24/24
to Francis McCabe, blink-dev
Hi Francis,
We only do OT extensions for 3 milestones at a time. It sounds like there's been a meaningful change in the API that we need to validate, so extending for another 3 to 131 sounds OK to me if you'd like to do that, but that gets you only to October.

Outside of JS / WASM features, we generally do not block on standards maturity when shipping new APIs, since the chromium project has a policy of limiting the cost on velocity that we're willing to pay in order to reach standards consensus. What do you think the harm would be in shipping this now and coming up with a versioning and/or breaking change strategy for any changes which are deemed necessary after that? It sounds like you already have customers relying on this feature (given the commitments you mention around evolution of the API while in OT), so it's unclear whether shipping and iterating would really be all that different in practice?


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Francis McCabe

Jun 24, 2024, 4:46:58 PM6/24/24
to blink-dev,, blink-dev, Francis McCabe
I am 'ok' with a shorter extension. I asked for 6 months because I foresee a reasonable risk of needing more than 3 milestones.

I am not 'ok' with shipping without the imprimatur of progress in the standardization. We recently did ship a phase 3 standard -- exceptions -- that turned out to be a mistake. It is likely going to be many years before that can be fully unwound.

 To be clear: I do not anticipate any issues with the standard; but then, no-one does.


Alex Russell

Jun 24, 2024, 5:44:56 PM6/24/24
to Francis McCabe, blink-dev,, Francis McCabe
Like Rick, I'm also unsure why this isn't an I2S for the new design. Are y'all really unsure that the latest iteration has open issues that need resolution before shipping? Is there an minimum-viable subset you can ship now while extensions are debated behind another OT?



Francis McCabe

Jun 24, 2024, 6:34:52 PM6/24/24
to blink-dev,, blink-dev,, Francis McCabe, Francis McCabe
The new API is actually a simplification of the 'old' API. It is not a question of base+extensions.

Note: the API design itself is gated by the WebAssembly stacks sub-group of the W3C community group.

Deepti Gandluri

Jun 25, 2024, 2:08:14 AM6/25/24
to Rick Byers, Francis McCabe, blink-dev
On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 12:47 PM Rick Byers <> wrote:
Hi Francis,
We only do OT extensions for 3 milestones at a time. It sounds like there's been a meaningful change in the API that we need to validate, so extending for another 3 to 131 sounds OK to me if you'd like to do that, but that gets you only to October.

Outside of JS / WASM features, we generally do not block on standards maturity when shipping new APIs, since the chromium project has a policy of limiting the cost on velocity that we're willing to pay in order to reach standards consensus. What do you think the harm would be in shipping this now and coming up with a versioning and/or breaking change strategy for any changes which are deemed necessary after that? It sounds like you already have customers relying on this feature (given the commitments you mention around evolution of the API while in OT), so it's unclear whether shipping and iterating would really be all that different in practice?

Apart from the API churn, the one requirement that we're missing for Phase 4 from the Wasm phases process is the spec document. The Wasm CG has a high level of consensus for this feature, and while a reasonably complete overview exists, a full spec of the feature does seem like a reasonable requirement to block on (IIUC for JSPI the other requirements have already been met, or should be non-controversial). 

On the implementation front, there are a couple of upcoming changes to improve performance that introduce significant code churn. Having the OT extended even for a shorter duration would mean that we're able to validate performance for current JSPI users, and get better bake time for fuzzer coverage before shipping. 

Chris Harrelson

Jun 25, 2024, 1:00:40 PM6/25/24
to Deepti Gandluri, Rick Byers, Francis McCabe, blink-dev
LGTM to experiment for 3 more milestones.

Also: I asked Francis offline about the "soft launch in 126", and he clarified that it means we currently support both the new and promise integration APIs in the OT (which is possible because they happen not to have namespace collisions), so that OT participants can continue to finish testing on the first before migrating to the second. He also clarified that experimental feedback so far has demonstrated performance problems that led to improvements to the API and implementation.

It makes sense to me that we should extend the experiment 3 more milestones to provide time to test the newer API introduced in M126.

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