Hi all,
It’s been a while since the Adobe WebPlatform team started contributing to the CSS Regions implementation in WebKit, and then also in Blink after the split. During this period, CSS Regions got enabled by default, albeit with prefixes, in Safari on iOS and OS X. Moving forward, we think that web developers would benefit from having CSS Regions enabled by default in Blink/Chrome too.
The existing CSS Regions implementation in Blink matches what Safari shipped on iOS/OS X. Since our goal is to ensure a solid CSS Regions implementation before shipping in Blink, we would like to reach an agreement with the Blink community about the things that need to be solved before enabling this feature by default.
In order to keep track of things, we created a list of master bugs for the engineering items:
* master bug for CSSRegions in Blink: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=236427
* master bug for the engineering items that should be done before unflagging/enabling by default:
Below i will highlight the main areas we will focus our engineering contributions on in the next months, towards our goal of enabling regions by default in Blink.
1. CSS Regions and accelerated compositing
* Goal: enable accelerated compositing for content that is fragmented in regions
* Meta bug: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=319299
* Blink: started discussion on graphics-dev https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/graphics-dev/8Jp8aZ2Qji4
(Note: implementation close to finish in WebKit)
2. CSS Regions and overflow content
* Goal: make sure that content that overflows regions is correctly handled, without painting artefacts and hit testing in overflow content is working properly
* Meta bug: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=319306 (includes overflow among other things)
* Blink: layout overflow work started, visual overflow to be done after
(Note: layout overflow handling landed in WebKit, visual overflow handling close to land in WebKit)
3. CSS Regions and CSSOM
* Goal: make sure that CSSOM API for regions is implementable and updated to the latest WD.
* Meta bug: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=319326
* Blink: the most important change is the use of Map for modelling the document named flows collection
4. CSS Regions and selection
* Goal: make sure that selection/editable content is working properly (and spec compliant) in regions and that cut/copy/paste do something reasonable
* Meta bug: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=319310
* Blink: added selection tests, started work on fixing issues in partnership with Igalia (http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=319305)
5. CSS Regions interoperability with transforms
* Goal: make sure that the content flowed in regions and the regions themselves work properly when transformed
* Meta bug: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=319317
* Blink: requires work for 1. and 2. to be completed
6. CSS Regions interoperability with new layout modules
* Goal: make sure that CSS Regions work properly with flexbox, grid and multi-column
* Meta bug: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=319319
* Blink: we already fixed couple of issues related to regions and flex box, bug fixing remaining
7. Unprefix CSS Regions properties/APIs
* Meta bug: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=320543
In addition to the above items, there are a couple of engineering items that should not impact the decision of shipping regions, but are needed to fully implement the CSS Regions spec. We think that these items should be worked on after regions are enabled by default/shipped in Blink:
* CSSOM Region interface: we validated with Adam Barth that the Region interface can be implemented as described in the current version of the spec (https://codereview.chromium.org/38943008/)
* CSSOM regionFragmentChange event (http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-regions/#named-flow-events)
* Region styling (http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-regions/#the-region-pseudo-element)
** basic support (colour and background-color) available already in Blink
** Meta bug: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=319383
* CSS Regions support in WebInspector
** Meta bug: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=319370
* flow-into: ‘content’ (http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-regions/#the-flow-into-property)
* Multi-column regions (http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-regions/#multi-column-regions)
** Goal: add support for making a region from a multicolumn element
** Meta bug: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=320552
* Pseudo-elements processing model (http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-regions/#processing-model)
* CSS Regions and Shadow DOM
** Meta bug: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=319878
Mihnea-Vlad Ovidenie wrote:
> It’s been a while since the Adobe WebPlatform team started
> contributing to the CSS Regions implementation in WebKit, and then
> also in Blink after the split. During this period, CSS Regions got
> enabled by default, albeit with prefixes, in Safari on iOS and OS
> X. Moving forward, we think that web developers would benefit from
> having CSS Regions enabled by default in Blink/Chrome too.
I don't agree. The current approach taken in CSS Regions is, I
believe, harmful to the web. It mixes document style and structure,
abuses HTML tags for presentational purposes, requires code that is
vastly more complex and verbose than is needed to achieve common
layouts, and leads to per-document style sheets that are
non-responsive to the users' environment. I've expanded on these views
If Regions are turned on, it will be very hard to turn them off again.
Caution should therefore be taken.
That being said, I believe in reusing code for fragmentation so that
pagination and multi-column layout can be done using the same code. I
believe Adobe has contributed good code for this purpose.
Håkon Wium Lie CTO °þe®ª
how...@opera.com http://people.opera.com/howcome
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Regions brings a large amount of both future and current complexity to
Blink. Both complexity inherent in the spec as well as complexity of
the current implementation. All features have some complexity cost,
but looking closely at Regions I have come to believe the cost/benefit
to be very imbalanced, especially in the context of Blink’s current
goals [6].
As you and others have excellently stated, Regions addresses some very
real deficiencies of the web platform. But I believe Blink (hopefully
with Adobe’s help) will need to find other simpler/smaller ways to
address these deficiencies. Perhaps we can find solutions via other
proposals (Mozilla’s Fragments [7] or Opera’s Figures [8]?) or (yet
unproposed) exposure of basic text layout primitives (like iOS? [9])
to allow frameworks to implement region-like layouts for the web in
All the other solutions are only changing the CSS API surface and not the actual result. Basically, they are all trying to achieve almost the same thing with a different degree of flexibility. Any CSS API we choose to implement will have the same amount of complexity because it actually needs to split paragraphs across arbitrarily sized boxes.
I hope that despite this bump in the road you and your team at Adobe
will be interested in continuing to work with Blink. After the
short-term performance needs are addressed, I too believe the mobile
web will come to demand advanced text layouts like some of what
Regions enables. I just believe that at the time we add those, we
have to do so in a 60hz-smooth simple-to-maintain fashion and I hope
you and Adobe will be a part of that.
Eric Seidel
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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to blink-dev+...@chromium.org.
Lars Erik Bolstad wrote:Indeed. In order to compete with native apps, the Web needs both high
> From Opera's side we agree with the prioritization of performance
> optimizations in Blink, and we'd be happy to help identify issues and
> improve that aspect of the Regions code.
performance, and the ability to create paged & multicol presentations
(without invoking JS).
Our Blink-based implementation of this functionality currently relies
on fragmentation being done by the Regions code. It makes sense to use
the same code for all fragmentation, including pagination and multicol
support. The question of code reuse is separate from whether Regions
should be exposed through CSS or HTML.
I trust you take this into consideration before rushing to delete code we've contributed to Blink.
How many of those 10000 lines would need to be kept in order for the multi column support to still work, but removing anything that is only needed for providing CSS Regions to the end user? Would the lines that are kept be "all over the place" or would they be in only a limited area?
Looking at your patch, ~10000 lines out of ~586000 (we counted also the comments and blank lines from your provided link) account for 1.7% of the total C++ code in Blink. We also counted 31 files of contained CSSRegions functionality with about 6300 lines. The css regions related functionality in WebInspector touches 11 files with about 1500 lines.
Thus remain ~ 2200 lines of C++ (code, comments, blanks) functionality including parsing, css properties exposure, js exposure and layout and rendering (we assume that whatever you need to parse, expose in css and js will also touch a good amount of files).
We suspect your are mainly concerned about layout and rendering code. If so, we pledge to work together, address these concerns and make sure that the regions code does not hamper your Blink 2014 goals.
As others in this thread - Opera’s Morten, Lars and Hakon - have already pointed out, multicolumn based on regions offers a superior approach to the old multicolumn code.
At this point, we feel it is important to discuss a bit about why fragmentation is a hard problem to solve. This is the first question one needs to ask when seeing the numbers that came out of your patch. The answer has its root in the layout model of the engine: one element - one renderer - one box paradigm. Fragmentation brings more complexity to the table: one element - one renderer - multiple boxes (fragments).
The difference between the other layout modules you mention (flexbox and grid) and fragmentation based layout modules is the complexity of having multiple fragments for an element. An implementation handling fragmentation needs to:
- handle fragments of varying width for elements
- determine what content goes in what fragment
- paint those fragments on the screen, isolated from each other
- handle hit-testing in each fragment (it’s no longer enough to know the hit target element, you have to know the hit target fragment as well)
- make existing Web APIs fragmentation aware (e.g. getBoundingClientRects(), events etc.)
- handling weird dependencies between fragment containers caused by the content in one fragment container affecting the content in previous fragment containers
Looking at this list, we think that having about 1.7% of the code size dedicated to fragmentation is actually good news for a layout engine.
Regarding flow threads, they appeared after multiple failed solutions for the fragmentation problem. For example, the multi-column implementation followed a rough path:
- the old implementation - at paint time only, filled with bugs and limitations.
- the current implementation - at layout time and paint time, fixed a lot of issues but the code is intrusive and had some security bugs (https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38402 - see the complexity of the patch)
- the new implementation - it came up as a relatively thin layer on top of RenderFlowThread. Most of the fragmentation complexity of multi-columns is handled by the generic flow thread class.
Flow threads are the most complete and bug free existing solution to fragmentation due to extensive testing, mostly happening while developing regions (which also lead to a lot of code interference).
Therefore, it is our opinion that RenderFlowThreads && co. offer an elegant, unifying solution to fragmentation. There’s surely place for optimisations and code isolation even more than it is today. After reading Blink’s 2014 goals from your email, we’ve started thinking about how we can align Regions to those goals. For starters, we noticed that the compiled code built on top of the CSS Regions foundations, that includes the new multi-column implementation, accounts for only ~300KB of the total 110MB, the size of the Content Shell (on a Mac machine).
As discussed in our proposed 2014 Goals for Blink [6] I believe
Blink’s focus this year must be on mobile and specifically mobile
performance. Speaking with other rendering experts, I have come to
understand that Regions both does not play well with existing
performance optimizations as well as (through its pervasive
complexity) impedes ongoing simplification and optimization work to
our core rendering code.
It would be a real benefit to hear more about the performance optimisations - ongoing and future - that are impacted by regions code.
Specifically about the impact on existing performance optimisations, could you be more specific? We have run the existing performance tests with and without regions and we did not notice any performance regressions.Complaints from core rendering engineers, my
readings of the Regions spec, and then finally my preparing this diff
(only to find these huge complexity costs) are what eventually
reversed my opinion on Regions.
In the past, we tried our best through blog posts, code samples and presentations (BlinkOn included), to introduce the regions concepts. The problems regions address are complex and we wanted to make sure that regions concepts are understood correctly not only by a few CSS experts but rather by the web communities. Again, I believe that dialog and cooperation are key here to make sure everybody has an informed opinion that is critically important as a base for any future decision.
I believe if Blink were offered a patch to add CSS Regions today
(inverse of [4]), it would not be accepted. Considering this
complexity and the objections from other browsers, I do not see how
it’s possible for Blink to ship Regions.
As you and others have excellently stated, Regions addresses some very
real deficiencies of the web platform. But I believe Blink (hopefully
with Adobe’s help) will need to find other simpler/smaller ways to
address these deficiencies. Perhaps we can find solutions via other
proposals (Mozilla’s Fragments [7] or Opera’s Figures [8]?) or (yet
unproposed) exposure of basic text layout primitives (like iOS? [9])
to allow frameworks to implement region-like layouts for the web in
Time will tell whether the proposals you quote are the solution for the problems regions are trying to solve. Implementing fragmentation natively is hard and each proposal will have to deal with its complexity. Again, I pledge to work together for better containment of the code and reduce invasiveness.
Our experiments using a CSS Regions polyfill written in JavaScript showed that on mobile, the polyfill is not a viable alternative for now to the native implementation.
I hope that despite this bump in the road you and your team at Adobe
will be interested in continuing to work with Blink. After the
short-term performance needs are addressed, I too believe the mobile
web will come to demand advanced text layouts like some of what
Regions enables. I just believe that at the time we add those, we
have to do so in a 60hz-smooth simple-to-maintain fashion and I hope
you and Adobe will be a part of that.
Eric Seidel