Intent to Prototype & Ship: Clear-Site-Data header wildcard syntax

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Ari Chivukula

Jul 17, 2023, 7:34:51 AM7/17/23
to blink-dev

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Websites will now be able to clear all storage targets (“cookies”, “cache”, and “storage”) by sending `Clear-Site-Data: “*”`. Note that Chrome does not support clearing “executionContexts” at the moment, but if we added it in the future any header targeting “*” would then clear them too.

Note: This was proposed in 2017, but never launched in Chrome.

Blink component



If a website really wanted to clear all data they would have to list all possible targets in the header and be sure to check if any were added in the future. By using “*” as the target, a website can be sure all data the browser supports to clear via the header will be cleared.

TAG review

Compatibility & Interoperability

We would be the first to implement if approved.

Gecko: Positive

WebKit: No current support

Web Developers: None so far

Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests?

Tracking bug

Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

Rick Byers

Jul 18, 2023, 1:59:09 PM7/18/23
to Ari Chivukula, blink-dev
Seems like a pretty tiny addition to an already shipped feature. Just one question on future compat:

On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 7:34 AM Ari Chivukula <> wrote:

Contact emails,,



Websites will now be able to clear all storage targets (“cookies”, “cache”, and “storage”) by sending `Clear-Site-Data: “*”`. Note that Chrome does not support clearing “executionContexts” at the moment, but if we added it in the future any header targeting “*” would then clear them too.

What's the risk we'll find we can't actually do that for web compat reasons? Eg. sites deploying "*" today without appreciating the implications of asking for pages to be reloaded, then when we add "executionContexts" support in the future the user experience degrades enough that we can't actually ship it as part of the "*" set? Do we have guidance for developers on when to use "*" vs. a specific list?

Note: This was proposed in 2017, but never launched in Chrome.

Blink component



If a website really wanted to clear all data they would have to list all possible targets in the header and be sure to check if any were added in the future. By using “*” as the target, a website can be sure all data the browser supports to clear via the header will be cleared.

TAG review

Compatibility & Interoperability

We would be the first to implement if approved.

Does Firefox (and older Chrome) just ignore the "*" token today? I.e. can developers list a set of tokens along with "*" in order to use this compatibly on both Chrome and Firefox?

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Ari Chivukula

Jul 18, 2023, 2:28:55 PM7/18/23
to Rick Byers, blink-dev
Replies inline.
~ Ari Chivukula (Their/There/They're)

On Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 1:59 PM Rick Byers <> wrote:
Seems like a pretty tiny addition to an already shipped feature. Just one question on future compat:

On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 7:34 AM Ari Chivukula <> wrote:

Contact emails,,



Websites will now be able to clear all storage targets (“cookies”, “cache”, and “storage”) by sending `Clear-Site-Data: “*”`. Note that Chrome does not support clearing “executionContexts” at the moment, but if we added it in the future any header targeting “*” would then clear them too.

What's the risk we'll find we can't actually do that for web compat reasons? Eg. sites deploying "*" today without appreciating the implications of asking for pages to be reloaded, then when we add "executionContexts" support in the future the user experience degrades enough that we can't actually ship it as part of the "*" set? Do we have guidance for developers on when to use "*" vs. a specific list?

That's a reasonable question, so I could see adding a note in the spec so developers are forewarned. The danger seems less compatibility and more performance (if new methods take significant time) as anyone sending "*" should assume no prior state for that page is retained.

Note: This was proposed in 2017, but never launched in Chrome.

Blink component



If a website really wanted to clear all data they would have to list all possible targets in the header and be sure to check if any were added in the future. By using “*” as the target, a website can be sure all data the browser supports to clear via the header will be cleared.

TAG review

Compatibility & Interoperability

We would be the first to implement if approved.

Does Firefox (and older Chrome) just ignore the "*" token today? I.e. can developers list a set of tokens along with "*" in order to use this compatibly on both Chrome and Firefox?

Rick Byers

Jul 18, 2023, 4:06:35 PM7/18/23
to Ari Chivukula, blink-dev
Sounds good, thanks! I defer to your judgement on the future compat risk. Worst case "*" has to be redefined not to include "executionContexts", but that wouldn't be the ugliest wart in the web :-)


Daniel Bratell

Jul 19, 2023, 11:55:02 AM7/19/23
to Rick Byers, Ari Chivukula, blink-dev

Chris Harrelson

Jul 19, 2023, 12:03:09 PM7/19/23
to Daniel Bratell, Rick Byers, Ari Chivukula, blink-dev
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