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Intent to Deprecate and Remove Web SQL

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Ayu Ishii

Apr 28, 2023, 4:26:20 PM4/28/23
to blink-dev, Ben Morss
Design docs

[Google Internal]

[Google Internal]

The Web SQL Database standard was first proposed in April 2009 and abandoned in November 2010. It was implemented in WebKit in 2008 and shipped in Chrome and Safari, on both desktop and mobile. Gecko and EdgeHTML never implemented this feature and WebKit unshipped it in 2019. The W3C encouraged those needing web databases to adopt Indexed Database.

Since its release, it has been incredibly difficult to keep our users secure. SQLite was not designed to run untrusted SQL statements, and yet with Web SQL we have to do exactly this. Keeping up with security and stability fixes dictates updating SQLite in Chromium and impacts the feature’s stability. In 2022 alone, we updated SQLite 11 times. This comes in direct conflict with Web SQL’s requirement of behaving exactly as SQLite 3.6.19, and with the lack of a SQL specification in Web SQL, we cannot make any such compatibility guarantees.
With SQLite WASM as an effective replacement for web developers requiring a relational database, we would like to remove Web SQL entirely.

Target timeline

M101 - 123 - Enterprise Policy

M115 - Add deprecation message

M118-123  - Deprecation trial

M119 - Ship removal

Usage and Risk

Overall usage still shows a high percentage of 0.34% of page loads, however our analysis has concluded that very little usage is for actual storage.

Through analyzing sites from HTTPArchives, we found a majority of its usage is from outdated incognito detection (e.g. Criteo, Reddit),  and fingerprinting (e.g. Fingerprintjs, evercookie).

There are JS storage libraries that became popular around the time that Web SQL was introduced which use the feature. Oftentimes their usage is part of a fallback chain, where on modern browsers other storage technologies like localStorage or IndexedDB would be chosen before Web SQL. Examples of such libraries are localForage, cordova-sqlite-storage, Sencha Touch. Many, like localForage and cordova-sqlite-storage, gate its usage on feature detection due to its availability only on Chromium browsers. However older versions of Sencha Touch look as though they may not have been gated. Sencha Touch has since removed its SQL feature which depends on Web SQL in their version released in 2015.

Our conclusion from our HTTPArchives analysis is that we were only able to identify one site that is not gated by feature detection, and one site with significant breakage. We’ve notified open source libraries of Web SQL deprecation, and plan to reach out to site owners we’ve classified as breakage.

Analyzing extensions usage, we’ve identified 74% of extensions that use Web SQL are from JS storage libraries like localForage and cordova-sqlite-storage. However there were a higher number of usages that rely on Web SQL heavily, and many that are not gated by feature detection as well. We have identified these extensions and plan to contact the developers on this deprecation.

Further analysis for the web platform and extensions can be found in our public facing Web SQL usage analysis doc.

For those that would need to migrate, we expect a significant amount of work will be required. Therefore we would like to show deprecation messages early, and make a long deprecation trial available to allow developers to plan for their migration before full removal. We’ve provided steps for testing Web SQL removal for a website, and a guide to SQLite WASM and for migrating a database for developers to follow to start their migration. 


What we’ve done so far:

  • Worked with internal partners to move major products off of Web SQL (Completed in 2022)

  • Communicated to edu/enterprise partners of its planned removal (Aug, 2022)

    • No usages found from this process

  • Communicated with known external partners using Web SQL on its planned removal

    • All on board with migrating to WASM + SQLite

  • Published an article on the state of Web SQL and its deprecation (Aug, 2022)

  • Published an article on its recommended replacement, SQLite WASM (Jan, 2023)

  • Removed Web SQL in third party contexts in M97

  • Removed Web SQL in non-secure contexts in M110

  • Published an article for migrating a database from Web SQL to SQLite Wasm (Mar, 2023)

  • [InProgress] Communicate to identified developers in extensions / HTTPArchives usage

Related Intents

Intent to Deprecate and Remove Web SQL in 3rd Party Contexts

Intent to Deprecate and Remove Web SQL in Non-Secure contexts

Blink component Blink>Storage>Web SQL
Search tags Web SQL
Interoperability and Compatibility Removing Web SQL will align Chromium based browser behavior to all other browser engines. Currently Chromium is the only browser engine that supports Web SQL. Because of this, most websites gate the usage of Web SQL by feature detection.
Gecko: N/A Never implemented
WebKit: Unshipped ( Removed in 2019
Web developers: N/A

Security Currently SQLite in Chromium is updated very frequently, sometimes in multiple consecutive milestones. The frequency is defined by stability or security issues found in the SQLite library. Bad security issues have historically surfaced such as Magellan 2.0 that had been publicized in tech news in 2019, among others.The storage team needs to respond quickly to these issues, and update the library when issues are found with help from the SQLite team and Release and Security TPMs. 
Removing Web SQL will permanently remove the attack vector of malicious SQL statements.  
WebView application risks
While we see a 0.02% usage on WebView, we are unable to verify the nature of this usage. However now that Deprecation Trials are supported for WebView, we think the risk of removal is significantly reduced.

Goals for Deprecation Trial

The goal for the deprecation trial is to allow for a 6 month window after removal to let developers remove their usage of Web SQL. We may extend this window depending on feedback from participating developers. Our recommendation is for developers to switch to SQLite compiled to WebAssembly backed by the Origin Private File System. We’ve published guidance for this migration in our developer blog.

Debuggability Planning to add a deprecation message in the console.
Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)? Yes, removal in all
Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests? No (Web SQL tested in web_tests)
DevTrial instructions Steps on how to test your site with Web SQL removed.

Flag name web-sql-access
Requires code in //chrome? False
Tracking bug

Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

Yoav Weiss

May 3, 2023, 6:59:50 AM5/3/23
to blink-dev, Ayu Ishii, Ben Morss

Thanks for the details analysis. The rollout plan seems reasonable, and the low effective breakage gives me hope that this would stick.

Mike Taylor

May 3, 2023, 9:20:59 AM5/3/23
to Yoav Weiss, blink-dev, Ayu Ishii, Ben Morss

LGTM2 - kudos to the team for the very detailed compat and risk analysis, as well as proactively engaging in outreach. Good luck. :)

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Mike West

May 3, 2023, 11:40:35 AM5/3/23
to Mike Taylor, Yoav Weiss, blink-dev, Ayu Ishii, Ben Morss
LGTM3. Good luck with the launch, I've been excited about this for a while and I'm looking forward to reducing our attack surface.


Ayu Ishii

May 3, 2023, 12:46:13 PM5/3/23
to blink-dev, Mike West, Yoav Weiss, blink-dev, Ayu Ishii, Ben Morss, Mike Taylor
Thank you for the review & approvals!
We will update the thread if there are changes to the timeline.


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Thomas Steiner

May 3, 2023, 1:08:22 PM5/3/23
to Ayu Ishii, blink-dev, Mike West, Yoav Weiss, Ben Morss, Mike Taylor
Here's the PR that updates the removal timeline for the developer-facing article:

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Thomas Steiner, PhD—Developer Relations Engineer (https://blog.tomayac.com

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Thomas Steiner

May 12, 2023, 4:10:59 AM5/12/23
to Asier Lostalé, blink-dev, Thomas Steiner, Mike West, Yoav Weiss, Ben Morss, Mike Taylor, Ayu Ishii
Hi Asier,

- Does it mean that in M119 WebSQL will not be working by default, but it will still be possible to enable it back with this configuration setting? Would this be the case until M123?

As a site owner, you can take part in the deprecation trial, which will be available until Chrome 123 inclusive. It's supposed to be released on March 4, 2024. The PR is still pending, but here's a link to the relevant section in the staging preview.
- Would it be possible to be more precise in terms of dates? Or is still too early for this?

The current date when Chrome 119 is going to be released is October 30, 2023. The PR is still pending, but here's a link to the relevant section in the staging preview.

Asier Lostalé

May 12, 2023, 9:40:17 AM5/12/23
to blink-dev, Thomas Steiner, blink-dev, Mike West, Yoav Weiss, Ben Morss, Mike Taylor, Ayu Ishii
Hi all,

Thanks for communicating the plans for this removal with this additional information.

However, we still have two questions about this:
- Does it mean that in M119 WebSQL will not be working by default, but it will still be possible to enable it back with this configuration setting? Would this be the case until M123?
- Would it be possible to be more precise in terms of dates? Or is still too early for this?

Thanks a lot!

Asier Lostalé

May 16, 2023, 4:29:32 AM5/16/23
to blink-dev, Thomas Steiner, blink-dev, Mike West, Yoav Weiss, Ben Morss, Mike Taylor, Ayu Ishii, Asier Lostalé
Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your reply.

If possible, I'd like to clarify a couple of topics:

- I see there is already an "Allows access to WebSQL APIs" flag that can be used to force access to WebSQL. For how long is this flag planned to be kept? Will it be available from M119 to M123? What about after M123?
- As a site owner, how can I take part of the deprecation trial?



Thomas Steiner

May 16, 2023, 4:36:24 AM5/16/23
to Asier Lostalé, blink-dev, Thomas Steiner, Mike West, Yoav Weiss, Ben Morss, Mike Taylor, Ayu Ishii
On Tue, May 16, 2023 at 10:29 AM Asier Lostalé <> wrote:
Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your reply.

If possible, I'd like to clarify a couple of topics:

- I see there is already an "Allows access to WebSQL APIs" flag that can be used to force access to WebSQL. For how long is this flag planned to be kept? Will it be available from M119 to M123? What about after M123?

Since the code is going to be removed, the flag will be removed as a consequence as well. Given the current timeline, I would not count for the code to exist after 123. 
- As a site owner, how can I take part of the deprecation trial?

Please see this article on origin trials. A deprecation trial works just the other way round: rather than granting your site early access to a future feature, it grants you late access to a past feature.


Ayu Ishii

Jun 26, 2023, 4:57:27 PM6/26/23
to blink-dev,, blink-dev, Mike West, Yoav Weiss, Ben Morss, Mike Taylor, Ayu Ishii, Asier Lostalé
Hi blink owners,

With request from partners, we are planning to update the timeline to enable deprecation trial from M117 (previously M118) to provide a larger window to integrate with the trial before full removal in M119.
The rest of the timeline will stay the same.

NEW - Target timeline:

M101 - 123 - Enterprise Policy

M115 - Add deprecation message

M117-123  - Deprecation trial

M119 - Ship removal OLD - Target timeline:

M101 - 123 - Enterprise Policy

M115 - Add deprecation message

M118-123  - Deprecation trial

M119 - Ship removal

Thanks, Ayu

Rick Byers

Jun 26, 2023, 5:31:14 PM6/26/23
to Ayu Ishii, blink-dev,, Mike West, Yoav Weiss, Ben Morss, Mike Taylor, Asier Lostalé
Thanks for the update, no concerns with the change!

BTW, I've added WebSQL as the #1 example case around "ease of adaptation" in our blink compat principles. I tried to briefly summarize the story of how I (and others) were previously opposed to removal on the grounds that it took important functionality away from developers (eg. superhuman showing they couldn't match performance any other way), but are now supportive given the demonstrated viability of SQLLite in WAsm. Feel free to suggest edits and/or additional links.


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Hans Meyer

Jun 29, 2023, 10:57:12 AM6/29/23
to blink-dev, Ayu Ishii,, blink-dev, Mike West, Yoav Weiss, Ben Morss, Mike Taylor, Asier Lostalé

M117-123  - Deprecation trial

What does this mean in terms of when trial registration will be available at ?

I'm the author of an extension that's currently using Web SQL Database. I'd like to take advantage of the deprecation trial while I'm completing the IndexedDB implementation but I'm concerned there will not be enough of a window for 1mil+ users to receive the update to a version of the extension that contains the trial token before Sept 14 (119 date for Canary).


Thomas Steiner

Jun 30, 2023, 9:48:09 AM6/30/23
to Ayu Ishii, blink-dev,, Mike West, Yoav Weiss, Ben Morss, Mike Taylor, Asier Lostalé
Timeline updated in developer-facing comms:

Ayu Ishii

Jul 12, 2023, 7:59:41 PM7/12/23
to blink-dev,, blink-dev, Mike West, Yoav Weiss, Ben Morss, Mike Taylor, Asier Lostalé, Ayu Ishii
WebSQL Deprecation Trial registration is now available at

Guillem Olivé

Sep 7, 2023, 1:29:36 PM9/7/23
to blink-dev, Ayu Ishii,, blink-dev, Mike West, Yoav Weiss, Ben Morss, Mike Taylor, Asier Lostalé

I am working by a third-party enterprise and we are still using webSQL functionality. Our application will be refactored to remove it, but it will take some time to make it possible.
We are apprehensive about the disclaimer in the WebSQL Deprecation Trial registration: "I understand that I may need to limit use of this experimental feature to some subset of my users because of the limit whereby an experimental feature will be disabled if it is used on more than 0.5% of Chrome page loads (as a median over a 14 day period).". Will our production application not be able to work if the overall usage increases from 0.34% to 0.51% of page loads?


El dia dijous, 13 de juliol de 2023 a les 1:59:41 UTC+2, Ayu Ishii va escriure:

Panos Astithas

Sep 8, 2023, 4:24:25 PM9/8/23
to Guillem Olivé, blink-dev, Ayu Ishii,, Mike West, Yoav Weiss, Ben Morss, Mike Taylor, Asier Lostalé
Hi Guillem,

The page load limit only applies to trials that introduce new features, not deprecation trials like this one that remove a feature. Apologies for the confusion. 


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Bobby Langley

Feb 12, 2024, 7:56:48 PM2/12/24
to blink-dev, Panos Astithas, blink-dev, Ayu Ishii,, Mike West, Yoav Weiss, Ben Morss, Mike Taylor, Asier Lostalé, Guillem Olivé
Just started using the origin trial in one of our apps that requires a slightly overly extertive lift to change from webSQL to IndexedDB. The expiry says May 28, 2024 -- what is the potential that date could be extended while we work to release our new version?

Etienne Noël

Feb 13, 2024, 5:24:34 AM2/13/24
to Bobby Langley, Asier Lostalé, Ayu Ishii, Ben Morss, Guillem Olivé, Mike Taylor, Mike West, Panos Astithas, Yoav Weiss, blink-dev,

We have been communicating this deprecation for a while now so unfortunately, we will not extend it further.

It’s a significant source of security issues so we will keep the original deprecation timeline.

If that can be useful to your situation, SQLite is available in the browser: 

It might make the migration easier for you if that’s a suitable solution.

Thank you,


Etienne Noël

Engineering Manager

Chrome Storage

Antonio MORENO

Feb 23, 2024, 11:02:48 AM2/23/24
to blink-dev, Etienne Noël, Asier Lostalé, Ayu Ishii, Ben Morss, Guillem Olivé, Mike Taylor, Mike West, Panos Astithas, Yoav Weiss, blink-dev,, Bobby Langley
Hi all,

Related to this topic, a bit of a simple question: In the initial announcement, it seemed to indicate that Chrome 123 would be the first version without any kind of support for WebSQL. However, at least in the current version of the beta (123.0.6312.4) support is still there, and can be enabled with the corresponding flag. Can you confirm if this will be the case with the stable version of 123, and the feature will be removed only in version 124?

Thanks, and regards,


Ayu Ishii

Feb 23, 2024, 1:15:46 PM2/23/24
to blink-dev, Antonio MORENO,, Asier Lostalé, Ayu Ishii, Ben Morss, Guillem Olivé, Mike Taylor, Mike West,, Yoav Weiss, blink-dev,, Bobby Langley
Hi Antonio,

That is correct, 123 will be the last supported version via flag or policy.
124 will be the first version WebSQL will no longer be available even with a flag or policy.


Clémence Vaz

Feb 28, 2024, 10:29:39 AM2/28/24
to blink-dev, Ayu Ishii, Antonio MORENO,, Asier Lostalé, Ben Morss, Guillem Olivé, Mike Taylor, Mike West,, Yoav Weiss, blink-dev,, Bobby Langley
Hi all :)

Have you decided a timeline for WebSQL support removal on Android WebViews ?
We've already developed a SQLite alternative but there will be performance impacts on our mobile app as soon as WebSQL is disabled and we need to anticipate and communicate with our clients about the "switch" date.

Thank you very much for your help !


Ayu Ishii

Feb 28, 2024, 1:00:35 PM2/28/24
to blink-dev, Clémence Vaz, Ayu Ishii, Antonio MORENO,, Asier Lostalé, Ben Morss, Guillem Olivé, Mike Taylor, Mike West,, Yoav Weiss, blink-dev,, Bobby Langley
Hi Clémence,

We're still working with the WebView team to nail down the exact timeline, but will update this thread once it is decided.

For context for others, there is a bug in WebView removal where the API is still accessible when WebsiteSettings.SetDatabaseEnabled is set to true. While the fix is not hard, we've learned since the initial Intent that the Deprecation Trial, while supported on WebView, cannot be used for all cases of WebView. So we are working with the WebView team to further assess the usage and decide on the timeline of making this change. We will keep this thread updated once this is decided.


Hans Meyer

Mar 3, 2024, 10:21:18 AM3/3/24
to blink-dev, Ayu Ishii, Antonio MORENO,, Asier Lostalé, Ben Morss, Guillem Olivé, Mike Taylor, Mike West,, Yoav Weiss, blink-dev,, Bobby Langley
Hi Ayu,

Can you clarify... are you saying the deprecation trial does NOT extend to Chrome 124? I would not have expected that given that the trial's expiration date has been communicated consistently as May 28, 2024.


Anton Bershanskyi

Mar 3, 2024, 12:50:43 PM3/3/24
to blink-dev, Hans Meyer, Ayu Ishii, Antonio MORENO,, Asier Lostalé, Ben Morss, Guillem Olivé, Mike Taylor, Mike West,, Yoav Weiss, blink-dev,, Bobby Langley
Hi Hans,

Could you please clarify which web page suggests that the WebSQL availability would extend to Chrome 124 inclusive? All news/articles I could find online suggest that the last version supporting WebSQL would be 123:
Also, the DevTools UI already removed WebSQL viewer from "Application" tab. The change will arrive in Chrome Canary next week. WebSQL flag is also considered to be expired (no longer available and will be removed from source code soon).


Hans Meyer

Mar 4, 2024, 9:24:42 AM3/4/24
to blink-dev, Anton Bershanskyi, Hans Meyer, Ayu Ishii, Antonio MORENO,, Asier Lostalé, Ben Morss, Guillem Olivé, Mike Taylor, Mike West,, Yoav Weiss, blink-dev,, Bobby Langley
Fair enough Anton. Admittedly a bit of wishful thinking on my part.

Although FWIW, the origin trial status in dev tools only mentions the expiration date, not version. By no means an excuse, but I'm curious, why express the trial expiration in terms of a date at all, much less a date that is 1.5 months after from when it effectively ends for most users?

Again, no excuses. I agree the versioning was clearly communicated. Just wanted to give some feedback to consider to possibly minimize confusion in the future.

Thanks for your response,

Panos Astithas

Mar 5, 2024, 1:30:11 PM3/5/24
to Hans Meyer, blink-dev, Anton Bershanskyi, Ayu Ishii, Antonio MORENO,, Asier Lostalé, Ben Morss, Guillem Olivé, Mike Taylor, Mike West, Yoav Weiss,, Bobby Langley
The difference between the last trial milestone and the end date is due to the fact that origin trial tokens contain the expiration date by design. Given that the token needs to expire after the ending milestone has passed and given the often lengthy browser update cycle for some users, we ended up with a compromise that expects most clients will have been updated when the second to next milestone after the ending one has been released (4+4 weeks later). It is really aiming at avoiding the origin trial feature being prematurely unavailable to users.

Granted this is not very obvious, but it has worked reasonably well in practice.


Hans Meyer

Mar 7, 2024, 3:43:39 PM3/7/24
to blink-dev, Panos Astithas, blink-dev, Anton Bershanskyi, Ayu Ishii, Antonio MORENO,, Asier Lostalé, Ben Morss, Guillem Olivé, Mike Taylor, Mike West, Yoav Weiss,, Bobby Langley, Hans Meyer
Thanks for the explanation Panos. That makes sense.

OK so... please forgive me folks. I know this is a crazy thing to ask, I really do, but I need to take the shot.

Is there ANY possibility whatsoever that access to the API can be preserved through 124?

I've been grinding away for a year on a major extension rewrite that I'll be ready to submit to the Web Store early next week. The upgrade path includes auto migration from Web SQL to IndexedDB. This extension has 1 million users and I'm kind of freaking out about the number of them who will miss the upgrade window and lose their data.

I know it's a long shot and this is an 11th hour ask and I'm not special by any means and I could've been more diligent about heeding the deadline... all true... but, well... as embarrassing as it might be, I have to ask.
