Merging a UseCounter addition

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Donn Denman

Oct 5, 2023, 4:25:47 PM10/5/23
to blink-dev, Robert Kaplow, David Bokan
Can someone review a merge of new UseCounters in

I'm merging a CL that adds UseCounters, but my counters are not the next sequential values due to other additions that are not being merged. I'm thinking it's OK to add those values to third_party/blink/public/mojom/use_counter/metrics/web_feature.mojom and the associated enums.xml even though they won't be used.

LMK if there's a better list to ask this question on.

Daniel Cheng

Oct 5, 2023, 4:39:13 PM10/5/23
to Donn Denman, blink-dev, Robert Kaplow, David Bokan
I think what you've done is fine; that being said, I probably would have just cherry-picked the specific use counter the diff uses, but I don't think it really makes a difference either way.


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