Upcoming chromestatus.com edit permissions change

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Jason Robbins

Jul 26, 2022, 1:37:54 PM7/26/22
to blink-dev
Hello blink-dev,

TL;DR  We are tightening permissions for editing feature entries to only people who are listed as owners or editors of the feature entry.  Email us if you need to edit other people's features frequently.

For the past several years, editing permissions on chromestatus.com have been very lax, with thousands of accounts being able to edit any feature.  This lenient edit permission policy puts the site at risk of accidental edits or abuse from a compromised account.

In the coming weeks, we'll be rolling out new permission checking logic that should reduce risk while supporting normal usage.  Here's how it will work:

* The set of users who can create a new feature is not changing.

* Once a feature is created, it can only be edited by accounts listed in the "Feature owners" field, or the new "Feature editors" field.  Those users can grant access by adding another email address to the "Feature editors" field.  The list of editors is not displayed publicly.

* Users who need to edit a wide range of features can email webstatu...@google.com to request the "Site editor" role. E.g., jmedley and fantasai frequently update feature entries as part of their jobs.

The "Feature editors" field is already available on the site today.  So, if you are collaborating on a feature entry with folks who are not listed as feature owners, please add them as either feature owners or feature editors.   The new field is located in the feature metadata form:

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