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Design doc/Spec
The Storage Access API is a JavaScript API intended to allow access to first party storage in a third-party context when a user has provided direct intent to allow content that would otherwise be blocked by the browser’s current configuration.
As privacy is becoming increasingly important to users, requests for stricter browser defaults and user opt-in settings like blocking all third-party storage access are increasingly common. While these settings help improve privacy and block unwanted access by unknown or untrusted parties, they can have unwanted side effects such as blocking access to content the user may want to view (e.g. social media and embedded media content).
Users shouldn't have to compromise between privacy protections and enabling sites' embedded content to function correctly. The Storage Access API is a JavaScript API that allows fine-grained control of storage access permissions when access would otherwise be denied by the browser's current settings. Sites with meaningful scenarios that depend on loading third-party resources will be able to leverage the API to allow the user to explicitly choose, on an as-needed basis, when to allow more permissive access.
Interoperability and Compatibility
Edge: Intent to implement (this request)
Firefox: Shipped in 65
Safari: Shipped in 11.1
Web Discussion: - includes other Chromium implementers and web framework developers.
This is a standalone API addition. There are scenarios where storage access is restricted, e.g. when third-party cookies are disabled, and in those cases the access result is currently static. In scenarios where the Storage Access API is used to grant access these APIs will now have dynamic behavior regarding permission.
There are existing implementations and documentation of this API is available on MDN. Sites that need to update may need to introduce more logic to defer storage access prior to permission potentially being granted async.
Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?
Link to entry on the feature dashboard
Requesting approval to ship?
No – Will develop behind runtime flag and send a follow up I2S
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