mike...@chromium.org, aaro...@chromium.org, jadek...@chromium.org
Implementing 4 recent feature additions / changes from the User-Agent Client Hints API (already landed in the spec)
1. Sec-CH-UA-Bitness: adds a new high-entropy hint to expose the OS bitness, which may be combined with Sec-CH-UA-Arch to provide optimized binaries for download, for example.
2. Make Sec-CH-UA-Platform a low-entropy hint: OS is passively observable at the TCP level anyways, so we plan to change this to be low-entropy and send as a default header (similar to Sec-CH-UA and Sec-CH-UA-Mobile).
3. Include low-entropy hints by default in UADataValues (returned by getHighEntropyValues()). If a hint moves from high to low-entropy, this future proofs any code relying on it.
4. Add a toJSON method to NavigatorUAData’s IDL. Technically a bugfix, but it is an API change (instead of returning {}, JSON.stringify(navigator.userAgentData)) will now be useful)
These are small updates to the existing API, so I haven’t requested signals.
(But happy to do so if folks think it’s useful.)
The existing API is, and we will add WPTs for these proposed changes.
chrome://flags#sec-ua-ch-platform-low-entropy (as a killswitch, enabled by default)
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2. Including low-entropy hints along with high-entropy hints in `UADataValues` seems like a reasonable thing to do, giving developers a clear way of requesting "UA Stuff", which seems like the way folks would be expected to use `getHighEntropyValues()`. There's something of a question there around API design (should we have a `getAllValues()` instead? Or a `getJustLowEntropyValues()`?) that seems like it would benefit from broader circulation.
Thanks, I filed
https://github.com/WICG/ua-client-hints/issues/233 for discussion
of possibly adding a new method there (and pinged some folks from
other browsers for input). Thoughts from anyone on the list are
most welcome there.
3. A year ago, Maciej from WebKit seemed fine with a 32 vs 64 bit flag, but suggested they wouldn't implement it. It seems reasonable to ask again now that we're interested in shipping it.
Great point. I sent this off last week to provide input on all
the proposed changes in this I2P:
4. The justification to shift `platform` from high- to low-entropy looks like it was run by Yoav, and no one else: https://github.com/WICG/ua-client-hints/issues/213.
I realize that I didn't do a great job of arguing for the change in the issue (or the linked doc). A partner site approached us on the original plan to make all non-mobile UA strings report Windows 10, and how it affected them. Their biggest concerns related to accessibility: they had a number of keyboard shortcuts and other a11y fixes (platform-specific screen reader workarounds) that posed challenges. I hadn't quite dug into the keyboard shortcuts use case, so did some spelunking on GitHub. I just added the results of that work to the (public) doc linked in Issue #213:
I'll repeat one paragraph here:
With a high-entropy platform, maintained sites could of course request the hint, as we expect sites to do for platform version, architecture, etc. But for the keyboard shortcut use case, the burden on the ecosystem seems quite high: unmaintained sites will be broken for non-Windows users, and much (all?) of the JS ecosystem dealing in shortcuts will have to be re-written to use `navigator.userAgentData`. I believe the a11y and compatibility implications trump the privacy wins that might be gained by making all non-mobile UA strings as Windows 10.
Another points relates to the total amount of entropy we're
giving up. In Issue #213, we had estimated to give up 1 bit of
entropy. My colleague Paul Jensen did the math (based on internal
data, but it could be replicated using public data on platform
usage and UA strings in the wild), and adding a default platform
only gives up 0.39 (rounding up) bits of entropy. We feel that
this is an acceptable trade off to make.
It seems pretty reasonable to me to ask other vendors what they think. I'd also note that the TAG review from 2019 was an "early review", ending with "this is the official "thumbs-up" from the TAG. Please continue developing this proposal, and we look forward to being involved in future review requests!" I'd suggest that now's a good time to request a specification review, as there's a spec and everything. :)
Yep, thanks for the nudge there. There was also the review at
https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/467 that was
closed due to the pandemic plan pause. I'll file a new TAG issue
and update this thread once it's live.
OK, it took a hot minute, but https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/640 was just posted.
(I believe I've addressed all questions now. Looking forward to more thoughts from API owners.)
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