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Here are some data points:1) Blob.webkitSlice was used on 0.0053% of page views, and we successfully removed it. Unfortunately, that statistic included use by the web inspector, which I remove commensurate with the API. The methodology was also a bit different because this measurement predates UseCounter.2) WebKitBlobBuilder was used on 0.006% of page views, and we successfully removed it. We caused one compatibility issue with the Google+ photo uploader, but we were able to resolve that issue through evangelism.We've also removed a number of other features with low usage, but I don't know the data off-hand. My guess is that 0.03% would be highest usage feature that we've removed. At 0.01%, DOMNodeRemoved and DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument are around the scale at which we've removed features without much compatibility impact.None of the above really answers your question of where our threshold should be. We may need to try things and fall flat on our faces to find out.
On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Eric Seidel <> wrote:
How do I evaluate "0.03%" as being "ok to remove" or not.
It seems we should have some sort of scale on:
So that we can all better understand if these are good or bad numbers?
Would someone be able to add that to the wiki based on past data?
(Like "we removed a 0.5% and it was a disaster, but we removed a 0.05%
and it was fine".)
> DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument, DOMNodeRemoved, DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument are
> used on 0.03%, 0.01%, 0.01% of documents respectively. They present an undue
> implementation burden, have been removed from the DOM4 spec and have general
> support from browser vendors to get rid of them. Also, MutationObservers
> have shipped for a while now and provide all the needed functionality from
> these events.
> Unfortunately, this still leaves in DOMSubtreeModified, DOMNodeInserted and
> DOMCharacterDataModified, which are used on 0.47%, 1.02% and 0.23% of
> documents. Hopefully the usage numbers will drop over time and we can remove
> support for these as well.
DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument, DOMNodeRemoved, DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument are used on 0.03%, 0.01%, 0.01% of documents respectively. They present an undue implementation burden, have been removed from the DOM4 spec and have general support from browser vendors to get rid of them. Also, MutationObservers have shipped for a while now and provide all the needed functionality from these events.Unfortunately, this still leaves in DOMSubtreeModified, DOMNodeInserted and DOMCharacterDataModified, which are used on 0.47%, 1.02% and 0.23% of documents. Hopefully the usage numbers will drop over time and we can remove support for these as well.
It sounds like we'd be the first browser to remove these, is that correct?
If that's true, I think it doesn't hurt to be conservative here, and
plan to ship a deprecation message in M31, and actually do the remove
in M32?
We should also of course add a row on the feature dashboard.
I'm told
there isn't official UI support for deprecations their, but we have
Do you know when that was? Incentived to implement everything (no matter how far legacy or speculative) are inverse to usage.