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[ChromesStatus] Launching streamlined intent process

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Johnny Stenback

Sep 19, 2023, 11:33:52 AM9/19/23
to blink-dev
Hi all,

We are pleased to announce that a streamlined and more transparent intent process has launched in the ChromeStatus tool!🎉

As some of you might have already seen, ChromeStatus now has the following review/approval gates enabled. These gates will be applicable to features that are targeting M118 and onwards.
  • Privacy
  • Security
  • Enterprise
  • Debuggability
  • Testing
  • API Owners
Screenshot of Prepare to ship in the Chromestatus tool

This change should drastically reduce the cases where features must go through the Google internal launch processes before they can ship, and it should also make it clear to Google internal and external contributors when the Google internal launch process is necessary (rarely) and when it is not (most of the time). Approvals should be requested as soon as there’s enough information for the approvers to review (err on the side of early if unsure), and as usual, start the Intent-to-* steps and email blink-dev as soon as you’re ready and API Owners will help make sure the relevant approvals are in place, as they’ve always done. This will help us all make more informed decisions, improve transparency with all contributors and web developers, and launch features more seamlessly.

The user guide will help you navigate through the ChromeStatus for the various intent processes. And please note that this work is still very fresh and we’re still ironing out some details as we learn more. If you bump into any rough edges or have feature requests, please file a ticket here.

Thank you to everyone who has worked on this project!

- jstenback (he/him)

Chris Harrelson

Sep 29, 2023, 3:58:36 PM9/29/23
to Johnny Stenback, blink-dev
Quick additional note: these six gate categories may end up delaying API owner approval for a feature if they are applicable, so please make sure to get them started early in the shipping process.

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