Intent to Experiment: Digital Credential API

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Rick Byers

Jun 22, 2024, 5:44:53 PM6/22/24
to blink-dev, Sam Goto, Bill Chen, Ashima Arora

Hello blink-dev,

I'd like to request permission to start an OT for this API. There's still a lot to figure out in the larger space of digital credentials on the web, but with eIDAS regulation passing in the EU which requires large platforms like Google to accept such credentials before 2026, we believe it's urgent to start testing out better solutions in the wild and try to rapidly iterate on designs.


Contact emails




Websites can and do get credentials from mobile wallet apps through a variety of mechanisms today (custom URL handlers, QR code scanning, etc.). This Web Platform feature would allow sites to request identity information from wallets via Android's IdentityCredential CredMan system. It is extensible to support multiple credential formats (eg. ISO mDoc and W3C verifiable credential) and allows multiple wallet apps to be used. Mechanisms are being added to help reduce the risks of ecosystem-scale abuse of real-world identity.

Blink component


TAG review

Mozilla feedback from Martin (also on the TAG) suggests we need to invest more in the threat model for the larger space and clarify specific privacy mitigations before requesting TAG review. We are involved in ongoing work in the PING to analyze and provide guidelines for the larger space of digital credentials on the web.

TAG review status

Not started


Interoperability and Compatibility

There are multiple standards efforts involved here. We have been working with WebKit and Mozilla in the WICG on defining this specific API. But the greater interoperability risk will come from the data that is sent and returned via this API. Details of that are still in discussions but mostly driven outside the web browser community in the OpenID Foundation (eg. OpenID4VP: and ISO (18013-7 "mdoc":

Gecko: Negative ( We share most of Mozilla's concerns and continue to work with them (and the broader community) on mitigations. I believe we feel greater risk for the established practice of custom schemes becoming prevalent than Mozilla does (eg. due to Google being mandated by eIDAS regulation to accept EUDI credentials by 2026).

WebKit: In development ( WebKit implementation progress:

Web developers: No signals

Other signals: This work in the W3C PING is relevant:


There's a possibility that these credentials will be used alongside other types of credentials in the future - such as optionally minting a passkey when a digital credential is used to sign up for a site, or by allowing sign-up with either a digital credential or a federated credential via FedCM. As such we argued it was best to put this work in the context of the Credential Management API. However there's also a compelling argument that identity claims are much more than "credentials" and should evoke different developer expectations. The agreed upon compromise was to add a new credential container at 'navigator.identity'.


The primary activation concern is enabling existing deployments using technology like OpenID4VP to be able to also support this API. As such we have left the request protocol unspecified at this layer, to be specified along with existing request protocols to maximize activation opportunity.


See and

WebView application risks


Goals for experimentation

We want to gather initial feedback from production usage of end-to-end scenarios involving at least one wallet and at least one real-world verifier website (partners committed but not yet disclosed publicly).

We will be looking to the verifier for feedback on usability. Eg. does a  "use my digital wallet" button work OK in practice even when few users have such a credential? To what extent do users report feeling more comfortable sing selective disclosure of their age as compared to providing a photo of their driver's license?

Ongoing technical constraints



None necessary - just new JS API. For testing we may want to add a developer option to provide a fake wallet (as for the devtools fake authenticator for WebAuthn), but this is not urgent.

Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, and Android WebView)?


Android only initially due to the nature of communicating with Android wallet apps. We will be creating another feature soon for "cross-device presentment" which will use the identical API on desktop, but will have a separate intent for that.

Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests?

We have initial tests here:

DevTrial instructions

Flag name on chrome://flags


Finch feature name


Requires code in //chrome?


Tracking bug

Launch bug

Estimated milestones

OriginTrial Android last134
OriginTrial Android first128
DevTrial on Android119

Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

Links to previous Intent discussions

Intent to prototype:

This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status.

Mike Taylor

Jun 24, 2024, 2:28:09 PM6/24/24
to Rick Byers, blink-dev, Sam Goto, Bill Chen, Ashima Arora

LGTM to experiment for 6 milestones from M128 to M133 inclusive.

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Alex Russell

Jun 24, 2024, 4:02:58 PM6/24/24
to Mike Taylor, Rick Byers, blink-dev, Sam Goto, Bill Chen, Ashima Arora
It would be good to see a more thorough considered alternatives section in the explainer. It's not immediately clear what (in code) the alternatives would entail.

Rick Byers

Jun 24, 2024, 5:06:00 PM6/24/24
to Alex Russell, Mike Taylor, blink-dev, Sam Goto, Bill Chen, Ashima Arora
On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 12:02 PM Alex Russell <> wrote:
It would be good to see a more thorough considered alternatives section in the explainer. It's not immediately clear what (in code) the alternatives would entail.

Sure, we could do that. I filed this issue and left some questions for you there to better understand what you're looking for (beyond all the alternative proposals I've already linked to for details).
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