While the initial enrollment process itself is not intended to be standardized, we will need to make changes to the API specification of the impacted APIs to allow for a gating mechanism dependent on the user agent.
As we make plans for general availability of the Privacy Sandbox relevance and measurement APIs, including Attribution Reporting, the Protected Audience API, Topics, Private Aggregation and Shared Storage, we want to make sure these technologies are used as intended and with transparency. As announced in a blog post, a new Developer Enrollment process for Privacy Sandbox relevance and measurement APIs is being introduced across Chrome and Android. This I2P refers to Chrome’s implementation of fetching the enrolled-sites list from the enrollment server via component updater and using it to gate access to the Privacy Sandbox APIs.
(The impact on each of the APIs will be further documented in the relevant APIs’ documentation/specs.)
There are no interoperability and compatibility issues since this is a Chrome browser specific feature.