The backdrop-filter CSS property applies one or more filters to the "backdrop" of an element. The "backdrop" basically means all of the painted content that lies behind the element. A common filter is a blur allowing designers to construct "frosted glass" dialog boxes, video overlays, translucent navigation headers, and more. This was initially implemented the same way as a regular blur, but sampling beyond the edges of the element allowed colors from the edges to bleed in. The spec was changed to sample pixels outside the backdrop edges by duplicating the pixels at the edge. This however, results in extreme flickering of content as it enters the backdrop edge. The latest spec change mirrors the backdrop when sampling beyond the edge which allows for a smooth gradual introduction of new colors at the edges without overweighting on single lines of color.
The specific visual result of a blur backdrop-filter is currently quite different between Chrome, Firefox and Safari, as such this developers could not rely on any interoperable behavior today. This change visually aligns closely to Safari's filter - if not identical, so should bring those two in rough alignment. We agreed upon this new behavior in the CSSWG resolutions for the new edgeMode[1] and using this edgeMode for backdrop-filter[2]. [1] [2]
There are no known ergonomic risks.
This should be an improvement to the quality of blur backdrop-filters that developers are already using and further allow developers to adopt them without worrying about the flickering edge cases of the duplicate filter. Developers don't need to do anything other than use the backdrop-filter property.
There are no known security risks. This is replacing one sampling algorithm with another.
Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?
As a change to the visual blur, there is no specific debugging support.
Shipping on desktop | 129 |
DevTrial on desktop | 127 |
Shipping on Android | 129 |
DevTrial on Android | 127 |
Shipping on WebView | 129 |
Open questions about a feature may be a source of future web compat or interop issues. Please list open issues (e.g. links to known github issues in the project for the feature specification) whose resolution may introduce web compat/interop risk (e.g., changing to naming or structure of the API in a non-backward-compatible way).
NoneIs there a specific set of tests under that highlight this behavior change? I would have expected, for example, some set of tests to recently start passing in Chrome due to this change, which would already have been passing in Safari and fail in Firefox. But there a number of other differences in tests like backdrop-filter-edge-*.html causing failures such it’s hard to tell what the real status is.
Or are there just too many other browser differences with backdrop-filter to make this kind of comparison realistic?
-- Dan
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