Intent to Ship: removing the five-minute rule for <link rel=prefetch>

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Noam Rosenthal

Jan 13, 2023, 1:13:10 AM1/13/23
to blink-dev

Contact emails


No specific explainer, but all the details are here:


This feature was never specified!

A new PR to the HTML spec to clarify how prefetch is supposed to work does not include this removed feature:


- Currently, when a document includes <link rel=prefetch> and then a resource tries to consume it, cache-control semantics (max-age, no-cache etc) are ignored for 5 minutes.

- This was originally introduced when prefetches were meant for cross-origin navigations (think search engine results), as the prefetching page had no control over the caching semantics of the prefetched page

- Since introducing partitioned caching, <link rel=prefetch> no longer works for cross-origin navigation anyway, so that initial use-case is irrelevant.

- Data from UMA shows that the vast majority of prefetch reuses don't benefit from this - only 0.05%. The rest are either anyway within the cache max-age, outside the 5 minutes, or reused past the first time. This makes this a niche feature that apart from adding a bit of confusion to the mix does very little.

- Additional supporting data from HTTP archive shows that the web dev community is not using prefetch for cross-origin navigations, but rather mainly for same-origin early fetching of styles and scripts (only 4% of pefetches are for cross-origin navigations). 

- The data shows that <link rel=prefetch> transitioned from being a feature for search-type pages into a feature for home/landing pages: e.g. you have a very fast landing page without scripts and a link to the full web-app page, and you prefetch the scripts and style of the heavy app to make it load faster once you click the link

Link to “Intent to Prototype” blink-dev discussion

Link to the blink-dev discussion about implementation. Here’s a link to the Google Groups page for blink-dev.

Link to Origin Trial feedback summary

There was no origin trial. Users would barely feel the impact of this.

Is this feature supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?


Demo link



Web devs can see the impact of this in their network panel.


It's a removal, and current use of the feature is marginal at best (potentially arbitrary and inconsequential).


Interoperability and Compatibility

This fix is interoperable with firefox, and Safari folks are positive about implementing fetch with the proposed behavior (without the 5-minute rule);


It's a feature removal that very few rely on. The new speculation-rules prefetch should be a replacement for cross-origin navigational prefetch.


The very few developers who currently rely on the 5-minute can explicitly make the same behavior work using Cache-Control headers.

Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests? Link to test suite results from

PR for prefetch behavior pending spec merging:

Entry on the feature dashboard

Rick Byers

Jan 13, 2023, 11:56:00 AM1/13/23
to Noam Rosenthal, blink-dev
LGTM1 from an API owners perspective. It's arguable whether this is "web-exposed" at all, or just a browser performance heuristic you're tweaking.

From a performance perspective, your argument and UMA analysis is compelling to me. But I've learned the hard way not to trust predictions of performance impact and instead rely on experiments :-). Were you planning on launching this with finch and validating the CWV impact? I'm not saying that's necessary, it could be overkill given your analysis. But if not then I'd suggest working the speed tooling team to keep an eye on FCP metrics as it launches to ensure there aren't surprises.


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Yoav Weiss

Jan 13, 2023, 12:19:11 PM1/13/23
to Rick Byers, Noam Rosenthal, blink-dev
LGTM2 to launch this as a Finch experiment.

On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 5:55 PM Rick Byers <> wrote:
LGTM1 from an API owners perspective. It's arguable whether this is "web-exposed" at all, or just a browser performance heuristic you're tweaking.

From a performance perspective, your argument and UMA analysis is compelling to me. But I've learned the hard way not to trust predictions of performance impact and instead rely on experiments :-). Were you planning on launching this with finch and validating the CWV impact?

I think launching this as a Finch experiment makes a lot of sense.
This is extremely unlikely to break content, but can result in a performance regression, so slow rollout seems like the best way to go here.

I'm not saying that's necessary, it could be overkill given your analysis. But if not then I'd suggest working the speed tooling team to keep an eye on FCP metrics as it launches to ensure there aren't surprises.


On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 1:13 AM Noam Rosenthal <> wrote:

Contact emails


No specific explainer, but all the details are here:


This feature was never specified!

A new PR to the HTML spec to clarify how prefetch is supposed to work does not include this removed feature:


- Currently, when a document includes <link rel=prefetch> and then a resource tries to consume it, cache-control semantics (max-age, no-cache etc) are ignored for 5 minutes.

- This was originally introduced when prefetches were meant for cross-origin navigations (think search engine results), as the prefetching page had no control over the caching semantics of the prefetched page

- Since introducing partitioned caching, <link rel=prefetch> no longer works for cross-origin navigation anyway, so that initial use-case is irrelevant.

IIRC, `as=document` prefetches are cached in the resource's partition, so I think they are still relevant.
They seem to be used by 0.3% of page views.


Noam Rosenthal

Jan 13, 2023, 11:11:53 PM1/13/23
to Yoav Weiss, Rick Byers, blink-dev
On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 7:19 PM Yoav Weiss <> wrote:
LGTM2 to launch this as a Finch experiment.

On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 5:55 PM Rick Byers <> wrote:
LGTM1 from an API owners perspective. It's arguable whether this is "web-exposed" at all, or just a browser performance heuristic you're tweaking.

From a performance perspective, your argument and UMA analysis is compelling to me. But I've learned the hard way not to trust predictions of performance impact and instead rely on experiments :-). Were you planning on launching this with finch and validating the CWV impact?

I think launching this as a Finch experiment makes a lot of sense.
This is extremely unlikely to break content, but can result in a performance regression, so slow rollout seems like the best way to go here

Sounds good, will proceed with finching this.

Daniel Bratell

Jan 18, 2023, 9:54:10 AM1/18/23
to Noam Rosenthal, Yoav Weiss, Rick Byers, blink-dev



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Yoav Weiss

Apr 24, 2023, 9:02:09 AM4/24/23
to Noam Rosenthal, blink-dev, Daniel Bratell, Rick Byers, Noam Rosenthal
My LGTM still stands. Glad we're not seeing any related regressions!

On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 7:43 AM Noam Rosenthal <> wrote:
Following up on this.
I conducted a finch trial, which (expectedly) has shown no statistically significant performance impact.
Note that the flag which the finch is based on only tests pages that attempted to reuse a prefetch.
I would like to proceed with removing the 5 minute rule. Would be happy to provide more information.


Noam Rosenthal

Apr 24, 2023, 11:58:20 AM4/24/23
to blink-dev, Daniel Bratell, Rick Byers, blink-dev, Noam Rosenthal, Yoav Weiss
Following up on this.
I conducted a finch trial, which (expectedly) has shown no statistically significant performance impact.
Note that the flag which the finch is based on only tests pages that attempted to reuse a prefetch.
I would like to proceed with removing the 5 minute rule. Would be happy to provide more information.


On Wednesday, January 18, 2023 at 4:54:10 PM UTC+2 Daniel Bratell wrote:

Noam Rosenthal

May 1, 2023, 2:06:17 AM5/1/23
to blink-dev, Noam Rosenthal, Daniel Bratell, Rick Byers, blink-dev, Noam Rosenthal, Yoav Weiss
Additional LGTMs?

Mike Taylor

May 1, 2023, 10:15:46 AM5/1/23
to Noam Rosenthal, blink-dev, Noam Rosenthal, Daniel Bratell, Rick Byers, Yoav Weiss

Hi Noam,

Given the results, I would say you have the LGTMs you need to ship. Are you currently launched at 100% via Finch? LGTM to enable in tip of tree if so.


Noam Rosenthal

May 1, 2023, 10:16:54 AM5/1/23
to Mike Taylor, Noam Rosenthal, blink-dev, Daniel Bratell, Rick Byers, Yoav Weiss
On Mon, May 1, 2023 at 5:15 PM Mike Taylor <> wrote:

Hi Noam,

Given the results, I would say you have the LGTMs you need to ship. Are you currently launched at 100% via Finch? LGTM to enable in tip of tree if so.

No, should I slowly enable finch until it's 100% before enabling?

Mike Taylor

May 1, 2023, 10:19:27 AM5/1/23
to Noam Rosenthal, Noam Rosenthal, blink-dev, Daniel Bratell, Rick Byers, Yoav Weiss
Up to you - if you're enabled at some % on stable now, ramping up to 100% then ToT makes sense. But if you only did the experiment for some period of time (i.e., it's at 0% right now), enabling on ToT only is fine too.

Noam Rosenthal

May 1, 2023, 10:21:18 AM5/1/23
to Mike Taylor, Noam Rosenthal, blink-dev, Daniel Bratell, Rick Byers, Yoav Weiss
Yes it's at 0% on stable (beta+dev for quite a while) but I don't see a reason to keep the experiment churn. If that's OK I'll proceed with a ToT CL.

Domenic Denicola

Nov 28, 2024, 12:44:18 AM11/28/24
to blink-dev, Noam Rosenthal, Noam Rosenthal, blink-dev, Daniel Bratell, Rick Byers, Yoav Weiss, Mike Taylor
Hi all,

It appears we never actually proceeded to create the ToT CL to enable this. It turns out this is implemented in a way that impacts both <link rel=prefetch> and speculation rules prefetch, and the latter is causing bugs for a large speculation rules prefetch deployment. See this bug for more on the speculation rules case.

I plan to submit a CL to enable this on ToT, based on the LGTMs given here. If anyone has any concerns, let me know. I will update ChromeStatus with the proper shipping milestone as well.

Yoav Weiss (@Shopify)

Nov 28, 2024, 5:11:33 AM11/28/24
to Domenic Denicola, blink-dev, Noam Rosenthal, Noam Rosenthal, Daniel Bratell, Rick Byers, Mike Taylor
Refreshing my memory, as it's been a while - shipping this means that web developers would need to set their HTML's caching headers to be cacheable (even with a short lifetime) to ensure that prefetches are actually useful?

Should we add some console logs (and maybe web-exposed reports) on prefetches that are not cacheable? (as a followup) 

Noam Rosenthal

Nov 28, 2024, 5:20:00 AM11/28/24
to Yoav Weiss (@Shopify), Domenic Denicola, blink-dev, Noam Rosenthal, Daniel Bratell, Rick Byers, Mike Taylor
On Thu, Nov 28, 2024 at 10:11 AM Yoav Weiss (@Shopify)
<> wrote:
> Refreshing my memory, as it's been a while - shipping this means that web developers would need to set their HTML's caching headers to be cacheable (even with a short lifetime) to ensure that prefetches are actually useful?


> Should we add some console logs (and maybe web-exposed reports) on prefetches that are not cacheable? (as a followup)

I wouldn't use console logs for this kind of thing, that's a very
crowded piece of real estate. But some sort of performance-panel
insights perhaps?

Yoav Weiss (@Shopify)

Nov 28, 2024, 5:22:41 AM11/28/24
to Noam Rosenthal, Domenic Denicola, blink-dev, Noam Rosenthal, Daniel Bratell, Rick Byers, Mike Taylor
Sure, I meant "console logs" as a generic term for "surfacing this info to developers in the lab". I have no strong opinions regarding the specific surface.

Yoav Weiss (@Shopify)

Nov 28, 2024, 5:26:51 AM11/28/24
to Noam Rosenthal, Barry Pollard, Domenic Denicola, blink-dev, Noam Rosenthal, Daniel Bratell, Rick Byers, Mike Taylor
Also, seems worthwhile for +Barry Pollard or someone else to make some noise on that front..

Yoav Weiss (@Shopify)

Nov 28, 2024, 5:42:12 AM11/28/24
to blink-dev, Yoav Weiss, Domenic Denicola, blink-dev, Noam Rosenthal, Daniel Bratell, Rick Byers, Mike Taylor, Noam Rosenthal, Barry Pollard
One more question - this applies to both <link rel=prefetch> and speculation rules, right? Developers would need to set (at least) short lifetime cache-control headers for both?

Barry Pollard

Nov 28, 2024, 6:04:03 AM11/28/24
to Yoav Weiss (@Shopify), Domenic Denicola, Noam Rosenthal, Domenic Denicola, blink-dev, Noam Rosenthal, Daniel Bratell, Rick Byers, Mike Taylor, Tze Yi Tan
+Tze Yi Tan 

Performance Panel Insight's is currently focussed more on the current navigation, and what insights we can give to improve that. Prefetches are normally for future resources/navigations so not that focus at the moment. Yes wasted resources can affect the current nav too, but Performance Insights hasn't even fully launched yet so we need to prioritise our efforts here and I don't think this one is liable to be a high priority.

Lighthouse does have some audits for unused preconnect resource hints, but they are more informational and don't currently fail the audit. Perhaps they should and it should be expanded to prefetch and preload? Currently we've scaled back pushing preload as advice except for LCP images, as developers were over using it. But warning against bad uses (like prefetching an uncached resource) seems less controversial. Saying that we've a few bugs (I've raised a few myself!) about false alerts on preload here so it's tricky. Though this prefetch use case seems less likely to cause false positives.

TLDR: It's complicated and I'm not convinced this will be actioned in the short term no matter how noisy I get :-)

They do show in Console logs as errors, but that is noisy enough as you say. But short term that may be the best place?

@Domenic Denicola , since we're discussing doing the same for Speculation Rules, we may want to surface that specifically in the Speculative loads panels since those developers should be looking at that to debug that?

Domenic Denicola

Dec 2, 2024, 12:13:46 AM12/2/24
to Barry Pollard, Yoav Weiss (@Shopify), Noam Rosenthal, Domenic Denicola, blink-dev, Noam Rosenthal, Daniel Bratell, Rick Byers, Mike Taylor, Tze Yi Tan
Thanks all for the comments here.

> One more question - this applies to both <link rel=prefetch> and speculation rules, right?

This mostly does not apply to speculation rules, which has its own prefetch cache separate from the HTTP cache. There is some interaction, which is that previously, if a non-2xx response was speculation rules-prefetched, we would still HTTP cache it for 5 minutes due to this code. (Because the request was categorized as a prefetch, and thus the 5-minute rule applied.) That was what caused web developer pain.

> Refreshing my memory, as it's been a while - shipping this means that web developers would need to set their HTML's caching headers to be cacheable (even with a short lifetime) to ensure that prefetches are actually useful?

To the extent that developers are using <link rel=prefetch> on HTML, yes. Yoav's data in the OP shows it's mostly being used for subresources, and best practice is already to set good caching headers for those.

(Also, note that even if they don't set a max-age, they can get some benefit from setting an Etag or Last-Modified.)

> Should we add some console logs (and maybe web-exposed reports) on prefetches that are not cacheable? (as a followup) 

I agree that signaling this might be useful. I've filed to track that.

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