This chromestatus represents the following related set of changes, which were resolved in 1. add an imperative way to set invoker relationships between popovers. 2. invoker relationships create implicit anchor element references.
The popovertarget attribute creates an "invoker" relationship between the invoking button and the popover. That does several things: - it creates nested popovers, if the invoking button is inside another popover. - it modifies the sequential focus navigation order, so that the invoked popover comes "next" in keyboard focus order. - it sets up aria-details and aria-expanded relationships between the invoker and the popover. There's currently no way to do these things via Javascript, and this chromestatus covers the addition of that functionality. Additionally, the implicit anchor element concept from anchor positioning ( is meant to be used by popovers. The original plan was, and still is, to add an `anchor` attribute or similar, to allow HTML to specify this type of relationship. But it was resolved in CSSWG/WHATWG to also create an implicit anchor reference via `popovertarget` and the new imperative API.
Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?
No milestones specified