Contact emails,
Unofficial draft:
TAG review skipped, as this is a simple change to an existing API. I couldn’t find documentation for what changes require TAG review.
The SpeechSynthesis API is actively being abused on the web. We don’t have hard data on abuse, but since other autoplay avenues are starting to be closed, abuse is anecdotally moving to the Web Speech API, which doesn't follow autoplay rules.
After deprecation, the plan is to cause speechSynthesis.speak to immediately fire an error if specific autoplay rules are not satisfied. This will align it with other audio APIs in Chrome.
Demo link:
Is this feature supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?
Yes (except Android WebView, which does not support Web Speech API)
Interoperability and Compatibility
Compat risk is medium, but we only recently added UseCounters which are in M69 dev right now, so take data with a grain of salt. Data is broken out by Android / ChromeOS / Other.
New UseCounters:
Android: .04% page visits impacted (.06% of page visits use speak())
ChromeOS: .0008% page visits impacted (.005% page visits use speak())
Other Desktop: .001% page visits impacted (.003% page visits use speak())
Use counts are most concerning on Android, but we also think that might be where a lot of the abuse is.
Existing UMA:
All data from the histogram TextToSpeech.Utterance.FromExtensionAPI which logs global utterances from the Web Speech API as well. Data is from all channels.
Android: 1.18% of unqiue users / day
ChromeOs: .24% of unique users / day
Other Desktop: .12% of unique users / day
I ran a few HTTPArchive queries. The results show that the API is most used by a small-ish number of libraries (ads, youtube, googleapis, etc).
HTTPArchive Total Pages
SELECT page FROM [httparchive:har.2018_02_01_chrome_requests_bodies] WHERE body CONTAINS 'speechSynthesis.speak' GROUP BY page
This returned 38467 pages.
HTTPArchive Total Subresources
SELECT url FROM [httparchive:har.2018_02_01_chrome_requests_bodies] WHERE body CONTAINS 'speechSynthesis.speak' GROUP BY url
This returned 2210 subresource URLs
HTTPArchive Total Subresource Domains
SELECT DOMAIN(url) as domain FROM [httparchive:har.2018_02_01_chrome_requests_bodies] WHERE body CONTAINS 'speechSynthesis.speak' GROUP BY domain
This returned 192 subresource domains.
Edge: No signals
Firefox: No signals
Safari: No signals, but this change will match Safari on iOS
Web developers: No signals
Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests? Link to test suite results from
The speech synthesis API could be tested better on WPT, but here is the dashboard. is the Chromium bug to upstream the remaining layout tests (and unbreak existing tests).Entry on the feature dashboard
Requesting approval to ship?
No. Plan is to deprecate with a warning in M69/M70, to drive down usage and also collect more data. Ideally we could fully remove in M70/M71 once we have a clearer idea of usage, but I will leave that for another intent.
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Hey all,Discussed at today's API Owners meeting; I think I understand the situation but for the avoidance of doubt, can someone confirm that the new policy will adhere to the exact same behavior as media element autoplay?That is to say, we grant autoplay by default with sound to installed PWAs. Will this API respect that? Other cases where autoplay with sound has been granted? The hope is that "things that can make noise without interaction" are all goverend in exactly the same way (and that use of speech playback feeds into Media Engagement score, etc. etc.). Are they symmetric?
Similarly, the concern about feature detection and modeling as a permission came up again. The resolution of the previous discussion wasn't particularly satisfying:We continue to lack an effective feature-detection mechanism for both; the only way to be notified of the autoplay situation changing in-page seems to be the `play` event:Can we get this capability reflected to developers in a way that doesn't require con's-ing up an expensive to create element + weird side effects?