Intent to Extend Experiment: Cookie Deprecation Label Throughout 3PC Phaseout

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John Delaney

11:56 AM (11 hours ago) 11:56 AM
to blink-dev
Contact emails,,


With the end of Chrome-facilitated testing period, we will continue to expose cookie deprecation labels within Chrome to facilitate evaluation of the Privacy Sandbox Relevance and Measurement APIs by ad-techs until sometime during the third-party cookie phase-out process in 2025. Third-party cookie phase-out is subject to addressing any remaining concerns of the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).

We will be extending the current set of labels, documented on the developer blog ( We are still evaluating possible changes to the labeling configuration in this period between facilitated testing and third-party cookie phase-out. Further guidance will be provided in the coming milestones on any changes to labels.

We expect to support labeled browser groups until we begin phasing out third-party cookies in early 2025, and for some time during the phase-out process.
Link to “Intent to Experiment” blink-dev discussion
Goals for experimentation
While the Chrome-facilitated testing period concluded at the end of H1, we expect ad-techs to continue to use the labels to evaluate and optimize deployments of the Privacy Sandbox Ads APIs.

Experimental timeline
This feature was previously approved to run from Chrome 119 -> 126. We expect to extend this experiment every 3 milestones (per standard process) until some point during third-party cookie phaseout.

We would like to start with extending this for Chrome 127 through 129. 

Any risks when the experiment finishes?
Minimal, the cookie deprecation labels are only available for a subset of users and must be requested. 

We expect to support labeled browser groups for some time during the third-party cookie phase-out process. In this case, the fraction of labeled browsers would increase, which was not the case in the original Intent to Experiment. We will seek approval for this in subsequent Intent to Extend Experiments, and plan to maintain a holdback group at those times.

Any changes in usage/availability will be communicated beforehand to blink-dev.

Reason this experiment is being extended
We have received feedback that these labels are useful for ad tech companies to evaluate the APIs with limited browser groups beyond the Chrome-facilitated testing period.

Ongoing technical constraints

Will this feature be supported on all five Blink platforms supported by Origin Trials (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, and Android)?
No, not supported on webview.

Link to entry on the feature dashboard

David Dabbs

5:42 PM (5 hours ago) 5:42 PM
to blink-dev,
> We are still evaluating possible changes to the labeling configuration in this period between facilitated testing and third-party cookie phase-out. Further guidance will be provided in the coming milestones on any changes to labels.

Can you share changes you are evaluating, rationale?

>We expect to support labeled browser groups for some time during the third-party cookie phase-out process. In this case, the fraction of labeled browsers would increase, which was not the case in the original Intent to Experiment. We will seek approval for this in subsequent Intent to Extend Experiments, and plan to maintain a holdback group at those times.

Fractions are expected to remain as currenty publicly published on the developer blog through M129?

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