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Intent to Ship: Expensive Background Timer Throttling

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Alexander Timin

Nov 11, 2016, 1:06:29 PM11/11/16
to blink-dev

Contact emails

Design doc

Time-based renderer task throttling


Some badly behaved pages (e.g. javascript ads and analytics scripts) consume a lot of CPU even when the tab is in the background, impacting browser performance and battery life and ruining user experience. The idea is to place a limit on how much processing resources background pages are allowed to use.

The proposed throttling operates as follows:

  • Each WebView has a budget (in seconds) for running timers in background.

  • A timer task is only allowed to run when the budget is non-negative.

  • After a timer has executed, its run time is subtracted from the budget.

  • The budget regenerates with time (at rate of 0.01 seconds per second).

Link to “Intent to Implement” blink-dev discussion

Intent to Implement: Expensive Background Timer Throttling

Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?


Demo link

Interoperability and Compatibility Risk

Initial testing by enabling the feature locally by a small number of developers did not expose any problems. However, there exists a possibility of breakage of a major site, so we want to ship this feature via experiment-controlled rollout. This will allow us to quickly respond to issues (if any), by changing throttling aggressiveness or disabling throttling completely if necessary.

Firefox: No public signals

Edge: Positive

Safari: No public signals

OWP launch tracking bug

Link to entry on the feature dashboard

Requesting approval to ship?


Darin Fisher

Nov 11, 2016, 1:09:01 PM11/11/16
to Alexander Timin, blink-dev
This is really great, but are there any exceptions (e.g., for background pages playing sound)?

Alexander Timin

Nov 11, 2016, 2:30:45 PM11/11/16
to Darin Fisher, blink-dev

Yes, pages playing sound are exempt (that is inherited from current mechanisms to align background timers to once a second).

Kentaro Hara

Nov 12, 2016, 2:40:39 AM11/12/16
to Alexander Timin, Darin Fisher, blink-dev
Non-owner LGTM.

keishi@ and others have also confirmed that ads on background tabs are one of the largest power consumers, so the budget-based timer throttling will help a lot to save the power consumption of Chrome.

Also the budget-based timer throttling enables us to implement a background tab suspension in a better manner (i.e., we can just set the budget to a small value). The background tab suspension is a key technology of Memory Coordinator to massively drop memory from background tabs.

Kentaro Hara, Tokyo, Japan

Rick Byers

Nov 12, 2016, 7:02:32 PM11/12/16
to Kentaro Hara, Alexander Timin, Darin Fisher, blink-dev
I'm excited about this, thanks for working on it!

Background tabs on Android are generally 100% suspended, right?  So this is primarily a desktop feature, or is there non-trivial Android impact too?

Since this is an intervention, can you comment (probably best in the design doc) on the extent to which it will adhere to the intervention design guidelines?  Eg. how will we measure it's positive impact, will we give advice to developers for detecting when it's active in case they need to adapt / fail?  Will there be a console warning or anything to help developers understand when they're being impacted?

How exactly do you define "background"?  Eg. is the visible tab of an unfocused (even occluded) window "background"?  I'm wondering if there's any advice we can give users who want to keep some expensive app running while they're actively using another window.

I'm a little nervous about other scenarios (like background music player) that we might be breaking without realizing it.  Is there any chance it would be easy / useful to use RAPPOR to get a list of top sites that would be most impacted by this in practice, just to skim for any potentially interesting use cases (eg. video editing or other computation-heavy scenarios)?


Alexander Timin

Nov 14, 2016, 7:26:28 PM11/14/16
to Rick Byers, Kentaro Hara, Darin Fisher, blink-dev
Background tabs on Android are suspended after 5 minutes in background. Minor improvements may happen, but major win is expected on desktops.

Background tab is the one which is not visible to the user (WebViewImpl::setVisibilityState is the source of truth); unfocused windows are considered foreground. This mechanism is the same as currently exists for background timer alignment.

Audio-playing sites are exempt from throttling (even after for some time after audio stopped playing). 

Also for your convenience I copied intervention guidelines here:

Predictability: Throttling mechanism is well-defined. High-level description (only pages with significant CPU load are going to be impacted). 
Avoidability: Heavy computations on UI thread is not best practice, so only bad-behaved pages are going to be impacted. 
Transparency: Console log message is generated when tasks we throttled for non-trivial amount of time (small throttling is not reported because we already align timers in background tabs). Also developer can monitor start time of tasks and detect intervention programmatically.
Data-driven: Main UMA metric that we are monitoring is BackgroundMainThreadLoad. It is percentage of time that renderer spends executing javascript tasks. Given that >90% of pages have low CPU usage, we are expecting changes to high percentiles (95, 99), not average (95 percentile is 10% load, 99 percentile is 90% load). 


mark a. foltz

Nov 15, 2016, 7:32:24 PM11/15/16
to Alexander Timin, Rick Byers, Kentaro Hara, Darin Fisher, blink-dev, Yuri Wiitala
+miu as an FYI.  We should make sure tabs with an active content capture device are exempted as well, if they aren't already.

Yuri Wiitala

Nov 16, 2016, 6:27:00 PM11/16/16
to mark a. foltz, Alexander Timin, Rick Byers, Kentaro Hara, Darin Fisher, blink-dev
I think we're good to go here for tab capture:

1. There has been recent work on detecting when there is audible sound coming from the renderer, and turning off timer throttling in that case.

2. During tab capture, the captured renderer is explictly *not* told when a browser tab becomes backgrounded. Thus, a captured renderer should always behave as if it thinks it's in a foreground tab.

3. Otherwise, I think the proposal here can only improve the tab capture experience. For example, if a badly behaved page's JavaScript is eating up CPU, we want the new throttling logic to engage so that we have more CPU for capture and real-time video encoding (which will improve quality).

Philip Jägenstedt

Nov 17, 2016, 5:26:24 AM11/17/16
to Yuri Wiitala, mark a. foltz, Alexander Timin, Rick Byers, Kentaro Hara, Darin Fisher, blink-dev
If WebViewImpl::setVisibilityState is the trigger, then I think web developers can simply use document.visibilityState and the related events to know when throttling may happen. To have an API to know that it has definitely happen seems nice for predictability in principle, but if aren't any known good reasons to do a lot of work on the main thread while in the background, then I'm inclined to think we should punt on that.

Rick, do you have any further concerns? LGTM1 for me.

Rick Byers

Nov 17, 2016, 10:27:58 AM11/17/16
to Philip Jägenstedt, Yuri Wiitala, mark a. foltz, Alexander Timin, Kentaro Hara, Darin Fisher, blink-dev
Thanks for the details.  LGTM2

A couple more minor questions inline.

On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 5:26 AM, Philip Jägenstedt <> wrote:
If WebViewImpl::setVisibilityState is the trigger, then I think web developers can simply use document.visibilityState and the related events to know when throttling may happen. To have an API to know that it has definitely happen seems nice for predictability in principle, but if aren't any known good reasons to do a lot of work on the main thread while in the background, then I'm inclined to think we should punt on that.

Rick, do you have any further concerns? LGTM1 for me.

On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 12:26 AM 'Yuri Wiitala' via blink-dev <> wrote:
I think we're good to go here for tab capture:

1. There has been recent work on detecting when there is audible sound coming from the renderer, and turning off timer throttling in that case.

2. During tab capture, the captured renderer is explictly *not* told when a browser tab becomes backgrounded. Thus, a captured renderer should always behave as if it thinks it's in a foreground tab.

3. Otherwise, I think the proposal here can only improve the tab capture experience. For example, if a badly behaved page's JavaScript is eating up CPU, we want the new throttling logic to engage so that we have more CPU for capture and real-time video encoding (which will improve quality).

On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 4:31 PM, mark a. foltz <> wrote:
+miu as an FYI.  We should make sure tabs with an active content capture device are exempted as well, if they aren't already.

On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 4:26 PM, 'Alexander Timin' via blink-dev <> wrote:
Background tabs on Android are suspended after 5 minutes in background. Minor improvements may happen, but major win is expected on desktops.

Background tab is the one which is not visible to the user (WebViewImpl::setVisibilityState is the source of truth); unfocused windows are considered foreground. This mechanism is the same as currently exists for background timer alignment.

So this means, for example, when we do a blog post about this we should tell users that they can always drag a tab into a new window if they don't want it to be throttled while they're working in another tab, right?  I assume we don't know when a window is occluded by some other window at the OS level (or if we do, you could always have a tiny bit peaking out to keep it considered "foreground").

Audio-playing sites are exempt from throttling (even after for some time after audio stopped playing). 

Also for your convenience I copied intervention guidelines here:

Predictability: Throttling mechanism is well-defined. High-level description (only pages with significant CPU load are going to be impacted). 
Avoidability: Heavy computations on UI thread is not best practice, so only bad-behaved pages are going to be impacted. 
Transparency: Console log message is generated when tasks we throttled for non-trivial amount of time (small throttling is not reported because we already align timers in background tabs). Also developer can monitor start time of tasks and detect intervention programmatically.

Great!  Does / will the console warning include a URL for more details (eg. at least the chromestatus entry for now, ideally a blog post)?  Can we publish a sample test page that shows this (both small throttling without a warning, and large throttling with a warning) in action to help explain what's going on?
Data-driven: Main UMA metric that we are monitoring is BackgroundMainThreadLoad. It is percentage of time that renderer spends executing javascript tasks. Given that >90% of pages have low CPU usage, we are expecting changes to high percentiles (95, 99), not average (95 percentile is 10% load, 99 percentile is 90% load). 

Yep, that makes perfect sense.  I was looking at the 99th percentile with Ojan last week - bringing that down will be huge!

Chris Harrelson

Nov 17, 2016, 8:04:28 PM11/17/16
to Rick Byers, Philip Jägenstedt, Yuri Wiitala, mark a. foltz, Alexander Timin, Kentaro Hara, Darin Fisher, blink-dev
LGTM3, but I agree with Rick's comments about further improvements to the rollout communication.

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Jan 19, 2017, 5:16:24 PM1/19/17
to blink-dev,,,,,,,,
It appears this has rolled out in Chrome 56 beta, causing us significant breakage.

We run a real-time trading site that moves quite a bit of tick data down the pipe. We also send heartbeats back up the pipe, but our timers are being throttled by as much as 130 seconds.

Without any mechanism to hint that a given timer is high or low priority this will cause significant breakage across the web.

We still want to be able to deliver notifications to users and keep our heartbeats running. Aside from playing a 0-volume sound file, what options do we have?
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Daniel Bratell

Jan 20, 2017, 4:49:07 AM1/20/17
to blink-dev,,,,,,,,,
Since I like to make sure that the most obvious is out of the way, have you checked if it's possible to optimize your application to use less time?

Audio file hacks wouldn't be recommended. If that practice spreads and pages ones again start draining batteries there would have to be more interventions and then your application would become slow again. 

Do you know if there is any small tuning that would help your application?

/* Opera Software, Linköping, Sweden: CET (UTC+1) */

Samuel Reed

Jan 20, 2017, 7:45:59 AM1/20/17
to Daniel Bratell, blink-dev,,,,,,,,
Re: tuning, yes, this is an effort I am starting anew, but we already do quite a bit of good-citizen work that I wouldn't expect most applications to do: we are coalescing real-time updates and batching renders at requestAnimationFrame, we have a highly optimized view pipeline that only does minimal work on change, and so on.

While I appreciate the aim of this change it is fundamentally at odds with what the web really is. This change optimizes for the web as a publishing platform and content consumption platform, but the web is also an _application platform_ and timers must be semi-reliable for it to remain usable as such.

Our use case is simple; we have real-time tick and trade data coming down a websocket. This data occasionally produces events we need to notify on. The same could be true of, say, any collaboration platform or chat application. That incoming data requires some processing to be useful. For instance, chat messages may need to be parsed for mentions so we can alert via native notifications or by changing the tab title. This change makes our job much harder.

In testing, even with our updates throttled to a 25 second timer I am seeing Chrome delaying by as much as 130 seconds (!!). This is also not controllable or introspectable by us; the heuristic is a mystery. Unbreaking our application may involve such hacks as running 1000ms timers, measuring delay, and using that to determine how much work we can get away with before we're about to get throttled. This throttling is also causing clients to miss timed heartbeats, which causes websocket disconnects and resyncs; this is actually producing *more* work as the user switches tabs back and forth and thus more CPU usage in the average case.

It is a good goal to want to do something about bad behavior in advertising scripts, but that should start by producing incentives for that industry to reform its terribly-coded scripts, not by breaking the web as an application platform without giving us room to control our destiny.

I see at a few changes that would be required to make this not break the web:

* Application developers will need a way to view their current timer budget so they can determine how much work they can do before throttling.
* Application developers will need to be able to schedule 'high priority' and 'low priority' timers, and these timers should have different budgets. Such high-priority timers would allow us to at least be able to send pings/heartbeats reliably.
* Applications need an escape hatch. For instance, if the user has indicated that they wish to receive notifications from a page, what good is that if the page is throttled such that these notifications never arrive? What if the page wants to auto-save data at intervals or even communicate with other tabs?

It will be a lot of work to continue down this path without causing significant breakage. I urge the Chromium team to reconsider this application-breaking change, for the sake of developers, the web platform, and the havoc that will soon come to the bug tracker and mailing lists if this hits stable.

January 20, 2017 at 3:48 AM
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Alexander Timin

Jan 20, 2017, 10:41:49 AM1/20/17
to Samuel Reed, Daniel Bratell, blink-dev, Rick Byers,,,, Kentaro Hara, Darin Fisher,
Hi Samuel, 

Thank you for providing valuable feedback. 

The throttling heuristic is described in the first email in this thread. The high-level overview is that we want timers to run 1% of the time while in background (10ms every second) and throttling delays ensure that average load stays under this figure.

To respond to your concerns we will be limiting maximal throttling delay to 30 seconds effective now. Also we will be looking into disabling aggressive background throttling for webpages with active (e.g. websockets) connections.

The long-term vision for the web platform is the following: main thread is considered to be UI thread, and should be idle when page is backgrounded. ServiceWorkers should be used for all background tasks. 

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Samuel Reed

Jan 20, 2017, 10:46:31 AM1/20/17
to Alexander Timin, Daniel Bratell, blink-dev, Rick Byers,,,, Kentaro Hara, Darin Fisher,
Thanks for the response and for considering our use case.

As a suggestion, making this throttling sensitive to the Notification
permission (or even a separate permission) seems like an elegant
solution to me, as a user is unlikely to response positively to
Notification requests from the typical type of site that has advertising.

Also, if there were a way to signal to Chrome that I would like a timer
to actually fire on time (for, say, a WebSocket heartbeat), it would be
great to have a syntax or option for this with the caveat that
misbehaving fns will also be throttled, but on a separate counter.

Re: ServiceWorkers, will a similar sort of throttling eventually apply?

Daniel Bratell

Jan 24, 2017, 10:21:28 AM1/24/17
to Samuel Reed, blink-dev,,,,,,,,
On Fri, 20 Jan 2017 13:45:48 +0100, Samuel Reed <> wrote:

Re: tuning, yes, this is an effort I am starting anew, but we already do quite a bit of good-citizen work that I wouldn't expect most applications to do: we are coalescing real-time updates and batching renders at requestAnimationFrame, we have a highly optimized view pipeline that only does minimal work on change, and so on.

I was actually thinking of tuning of the throttling, not your application, but I see that altimin has already done some and there seems to be a couple of useful ideas to make your application and ones like it work better.


Jan 24, 2017, 11:32:23 AM1/24/17
to blink-dev,,,,,,,,,
Before implementing that kind of a change and recommending to use ServiceWorkers at least wait for others to actually support SW. You don't want to have
if(IE){ fallback() }

happening all over again.  
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Jan 24, 2017, 3:46:20 PM1/24/17
to blink-dev,,,,,,,,,,
Will this affect timers only (setTimeout, setInterval) or the entire event-loop (window.postMessage, MutationObserver, etc'..)?
Many applications today use npm packages transpiled for the web which use underlying Node-like logic that relies on building blocks like - which in their turn can totally break if the latter is the case.

Re: background work should be ran in service worker
I couldn't agree more, but AFAIK SW isn't mature enough for all applications: 
1. Video/Audio based manipulation is not yet possible (due to progressive video's long-lived request nature)
2. P2P applications that use webrtc and sync states and pings between users (in the background as well)

If taking example 1 into account, you mentioned if there's sound in the tab the budget rule will be avoided entirely, and timers will be semi reliable?

Jan 24, 2017, 3:56:57 PM1/24/17
to blink-dev

Can the timer states be normalized when the background tab is brought back into the active state? We have a variety of timers used for different gradual engagement mechanisms. If the timer accuracy fluctuates while backgrounded, this ok. But when we bring it back to an active state, we need them to be accurate. 

Broadly speaking, this seems like a VERY disrupting change to a fundamental truth about time that many web applications have come to rely on. It seems rather shortsighted to punish the web as a whole for the poor coding practices of a few.

I would urge more thought and analysis on how to target the worst offenders based upon the memory and CPU usage rather than a blanket policy that disrupts even the simplest and benign of timers.

Jan 24, 2017, 4:24:56 PM1/24/17
to blink-dev
This is very bad news for our online chat system. How are we going to keep the connection persistent? What is going to happen with the sockets? IMHO there should be a way to ask the user for permission to keep the timers. Breaking them unexpectedly will break the logic in A LOT of applications in very unpredictable ways.
Please think twice before shipping this!

Rick Byers

Jan 24, 2017, 5:22:06 PM1/24/17
to Alexander Timin, blink-dev,, Daniel Bratell, Philip Jägenstedt, Yuri Wiitala, mark a. foltz, Kentaro Hara, Darin Fisher, Chris Harrelson,,
Alexander, can you please clarify a couple points about the design (I think there's some confusion on this thread):
  1. It's only timers (i.e. application polling) that are throttled, right?  Eg. in the case of an active websocket (or other network connection) when a network response is received, it's still given to the application immediately as normal.

  2. If a user (eg. for the trading app discussed here) really wants to allow the tab to do expensive timer-based polling, they can always drag that tab out into it's own window.  It will then be considered a "foreground" tab and will not have any throttling applied.  That's certainly the behavior I'm seeing on your demo page.
It sounds to me like those (coupled with the 30s max limit you just pushed for heartbeat-type scenarios) should largely address the concerns raised here, right?  If anyone has a concrete example of an application that is really broken by this, please file a bug with details and repro steps (and feel free to mention it here) so that we can investigate in detail.

Otherwise I don't see an obvious reason why this can't continue to ship in 56 as planned.  Using >1% of CPU as a result of polling while in a background tab seems like it should almost always be a bad thing to do.  Lots of platforms change scheduling policies for background apps (eg. all mobile devices are much stricter than this) and users are clamoring for improved battery life.  We should absolutely continue to tweak the thresholds and heuristics here (learning from experience), but we shouldn't let fear or philosophical arguments keep us from trying to be aggressive at improving the user experience of the web.

Elliott Sprehn

Jan 24, 2017, 7:11:47 PM1/24/17
to Rick Byers, Alexander Timin, blink-dev,, Daniel Bratell, Philip Jägenstedt, Yuri Wiitala, mark a. foltz, Kentaro Hara, Darin Fisher, Chris Harrelson,, Shachar Zohar
On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 2:21 PM, Rick Byers <> wrote:
Alexander, can you please clarify a couple points about the design (I think there's some confusion on this thread):
  1. It's only timers (i.e. application polling) that are throttled, right?  Eg. in the case of an active websocket (or other network connection) when a network response is received, it's still given to the application immediately as normal.

  2. If a user (eg. for the trading app discussed here) really wants to allow the tab to do expensive timer-based polling, they can always drag that tab out into it's own window.  It will then be considered a "foreground" tab and will not have any throttling applied.  That's certainly the behavior I'm seeing on your demo page.
That's only true if the window is visible or your OS doesn't support occlusion reporting for windows.

Jan 24, 2017, 8:46:47 PM1/24/17
to blink-dev
I've just read through the entire thread and I have a small question/thought. I'm just a user, not a developer.

It may be interesting to do some real-world testing against the high-load platforms you briefly refer to in the summary paragraph, and try and figure out how much latency is introduced for those specific cases.

I say this because some platforms simply don't care about UX and performance and are only focused on impressions and clicks at the cost of all else, and this new behavior may inhibit the ability of an ad in a background page to pull in new content, or (possibly more likely) slow down analytics scripts' ability to collect metrics; and since this behavior is entirely heuristic and can be killed by simply playing silent audio or using a WebSocket connection, I wouldn't put it past some to simply just do that to keep things working "properly."

I'm sure this has probably already been considered, but I do wonder.

Jan 24, 2017, 9:05:27 PM1/24/17
to blink-dev,,,,,,,,,,,
Can you clarify how the new throttling behavior affects active WebRTC connections in background tabs? I maintain WebTorrent (, which maintains numerous WebRTC data channel connections to download/upload data to/from a P2P network. Users often intentionally keep tabs open in the background to share files from sites like and Will 'message' events from WebSockets and WebRTC data channels continue to be processed normally – and will we be able to create new WebRTC connections while we're backgrounded?

If this change literally only affects setTimeout and setInterval, then I think our applications will be okay.

Jan 25, 2017, 2:36:20 AM1/25/17
to blink-dev,,,,,,,,,
On Friday, January 20, 2017 at 10:41:49 PM UTC+7, Alexander Timin wrote:
To respond to your concerns we will be limiting maximal throttling delay to 30 seconds effective now. Also we will be looking into disabling aggressive background throttling for webpages with active (e.g. websockets) connections.

Advertisers commonly misuse WebSockets as a way to circumvent ad blockers, be careful adding an exception for pages that use them. (See #129353.)

On Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 8:46:47 AM UTC+7, wrote:
... and since this behavior is entirely heuristic and can be killed by simply playing silent audio or using a WebSocket connection, I wouldn't put it past some to simply just do that to keep things working "properly."

Yes, I think this is true. Having worked to stop the circumvention of ad blockers for a while we see browser APIs abused in every possible way. After all a lot of money is at stake. Do you think they'll think twice about using a nasty hack if it helps them make more money?

Jan 25, 2017, 9:11:02 AM1/25/17
to blink-dev
This will very likely break or cause issues to webapps relying on websockets, needing to keep them alive and needing to do intensive background processing on incoming data (including updating the screen in background to avoid flashing effects when switching tabs).
While this may not affect the majority of B2C sites and webapps, it will impact more complex B2B desktop webapps, and that impact may be underestimated by the blink team because of the paid nature of such apps.

The company I work for for sure has more than one webapp that will be negatively impacted by this change.

So while the goal is noble and I agree that ServiceWorkers are the way to go they are still not widely supported ( so they are not an option today.

Because of the high-impact of this change please consider one or more of the following:

- relax or entirely remove throttling if a webpage has active websocket connections
- disable strict throttling if running on a desktop and especially if not running on battery power (no need to save battery if battery is not being used anyway)
- give the user the option of disabling strict throttling in "site settings", possibly by asking him/her when the browser detects an "excessive" amount of background work (just like permission is asked when the browser detects JS code querying for the GPS position)


Jan 25, 2017, 9:37:19 AM1/25/17
to blink-dev
I could understand this recommendation if service workers were something that we could use instead of websockets however, that's not the case:

We build customer service software that updates in realtime, often in background tabs (live chat, help desk). This change means we now need to support 2 infrastructures for pushing updates to our customers websockets and service workers. We have no problem with doing this work over time but without broad adoption of Servie Workers, your timeline seems incredibly aggressive. Please consider the engineering costs associated with quality businesses who rely on websockets in the background for their applications.

Rick Byers

Jan 25, 2017, 11:56:14 AM1/25/17
to, blink-dev
Folks, nothing in this design says that it throttles WebSockets activity.  We're still waiting for Alexander to confirm, but as far as I'm aware there is no reason that any of these cases of background network activity will be impacted in any way.  The only impact should be to things which are polling via setTimeout/setInterval AND consume a lot of CPU when doing so.  Timers are already specified to be delay AT LEAST (step 14) the specified time, but OFTEN wait longer in all browsers so this is not something that's fundamentally new, just a tweak to existing timer throttling heuristics.

Rather than speculate about potential issues (which we have no reason to believe are really an issue in practice), PLEASE try out test cases against Chrome beta and file concrete bugs if you see failures for cases you feel are legitimate.  We are NOT going to make any design changes here based on speculation.  This design has been shipping in Chrome beta and other channels / field trials before that for quite some time and has gotten a lot of testing against real-world sites.  We currently have no reason to believe that there is non-trivial negative impact to existing sites, and we have lots of data showing significant positive benefits to the user experience.


Alexander Timin

Jan 25, 2017, 12:52:26 PM1/25/17
to Rick Byers,, blink-dev
Unfortunately, our current implementation throttles WebSockets. Because of this we ARE NOT SHIPPING this intervention in M56.

The current plan is to disable time-budget background timer throttling for the pages with active connection (websocket, webrtc and server-sent events) and to ship in M57 (subject to further feedback).
We will keep you updated with the progress.

Dave Koston

Jan 25, 2017, 1:23:55 PM1/25/17
to Alexander Timin, blink-dev
Thanks for the update and your response to the communities’ concerns!

Jan 25, 2017, 4:05:31 PM1/25/17
to blink-dev
It seems like the net effect of this will be that unscrupulous devs will play silent audio all the time to hog resources, resulting in their apps appearing to perform better than those of well-behaved devs. This doesn't seem like a very good idea.
Message has been deleted

Michał Gołębiowski

Jan 25, 2017, 8:09:47 PM1/25/17
to blink-dev
Please make sure that when you introduce such throttling there's always a command line flag to disable it. Otherwise it's a nightmare for developers as running a simple Karma test suite in Chrome in watch mode is going to fail all the time once the Chrome window goes in the background.

This has been a problem in the past, it led to a creation of the --disable-background-timer-throttling flag. But even with this flag Chrome is *still* throttling something on macOS and some of my colleagues are unable to test on Chrome locally because of this issue.

Peter Kasting

Jan 25, 2017, 8:34:09 PM1/25/17
to Michał Gołębiowski, blink-dev
On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 5:09 PM, Michał Gołębiowski <> wrote:
Please make sure that when you introduce such throttling there's always a command line flag to disable it. Otherwise it's a nightmare for developers as running a simple Karma test suite in Chrome in watch mode is going to fail all the time once the Chrome window goes in the background.

This has been a problem in the past, it led to a creation of the --disable-background-timer-throttling flag. But even with this flag Chrome is *still* throttling something on macOS and some of my colleagues are unable to test on Chrome locally because of this issue.
While I don't make the final call on any of this stuff (I'm not a web developer or Blink developer, I'm just Chrome's unofficial command-line flag wrangler), I would say that any case where a developer needs to disable throttling to get their work done is a case we should understand and have a better solution for than a command-line flag.

For example, we should make sure we understand what Karma needs and whether it can move to ServiceWorker on Chromium, we should know about other cases where devs are blocked by this, etc.

It's OK to ship flags in the short-term, but not as long-term solutions for categories of problems.  In the limit, if there is absolutely no other way to solve problems than by giving developers a switch, then that switch needs to appear in the Chrome dev tools or options, not as a flag.


Alexander Timin

Jan 26, 2017, 6:05:04 AM1/26/17