m...@chromium.org, fugu...@chromium.org
A new "Automatic Fullscreen" content setting permits Element.requestFullscreen() without a user gesture, and permits browser dialogs to appear without exiting fullscreen.
The setting is blocked by default and sites cannot prompt for permission. New UI controls are limited to Chrome's settings pages [1] and the site info bubble. Users can allow Isolated Web Apps [2], and enterprise admins can allow additional origins with the AutomaticFullscreenAllowedForUrls policy.
Combined with Window Management permission [3] and unblocked popups [4], this unlocks valuable fullscreen capabilities:
- Open a fullscreen popup on another display, from one gesture
- Show fullscreen content on multiple displays from one gesture
- Show fullscreen content on a new display, when it's connected
- Swap fullscreen windows between displays with one gesture
- Show fullscreen content after user gesture expiry or consumption
[1] chrome://settings/content/automaticFullScreen and site details pages
[2] User control is initially scoped to security-sensitive apps; see https://chromestatus.com/feature/5146307550248960
[3] For multi-screen window placement features; see https://chromestatus.com/feature/5252960583942144
[4] To similarly permit window.open() without a user gesture; see chrome://settings/content/popups
Fullscreen, requestFullscreen, transient activation, user gesture, content setting
N/A. This is not proposing a new or changed web API, but a browser-specific permission configuration.
Element.requestFullscreen() may now succeed instead of rejecting without transient activation. The design doc considers some nuanced windowing corner cases. This feature is initially only available to security-sensitive apps and enterprise allow-listed origins.
Gecko: No signal (https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/1020)
WebKit: No signal (https://github.com/WebKit/standards-positions/issues/345)
Web developers: Positive. Requested by 1st and 3rd party partners, particularly around VDI: https://github.com/w3c/window-management/issues/7 https://github.com/w3c/window-management/issues/98 https://github.com/w3c/window-management/issues/92 https://crbug.com/315859364
The explainer discusses prospective feature detection support.
Users or admins must grant the new Automatic Fullscreen content setting, plus the Popups & Redirects content setting and the Window Management permission, and to take full advantage of fullscreen windowing features.
This capability exacerbates preexisting fullscreen usable security concerns, so sites cannot show a permission prompt, and user controls are initially scoped to IWA contexts.
None; this feature is not supported on WebView for now
Sites can debug via Element.requestFullscreen()'s promise, which may reject with a TypeError containing a message, the document `fullscreenElement` property, document `fullscreenchange` + `fullscreenerror` events, and devtools console messages. Transient activation state is exposed via navigator.userActivation.isActive. Script can check the window.location.href's scheme for `isolated-app:` to assess initial availability of user control for the current context.
No; Initial support targets desktop platforms.
No; WPT coverage is not yet available, and necessitates test driver controls for this new content setting.
True (Chrome settings pages, page info bubble, enterprise policy integration)
Blink.UseCounter.Features: FullscreenAllowedByContentSetting https://chromestatus.com/metrics/feature/timeline/popularity/4835
Feature is available only in Chromium browsers for the foreseeable future
Feature is used by specific partner(s) to provide functionality within 12 months of launch in Chrome
Shipping on desktop 126
DevTrial on desktop 124
I2P: https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/CuIqA2v3cvs/m/C6J3clNxAAAJ
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It would be nice for the PR to be reviewed and approved, even without other stakeholder support.
Additionally - the explainer mentions a few options for feature
detection. Any progress on that front? Or is it just hypothetical?
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LGTM1, with the commitment to follow up on Permissions API
integration (thanks!).
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