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PSA: A new project list page for Monorail

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Tiffany Zhang

Jul 8, 2020, 12:24:50 PM7/8/20
to infra-announce

TL;DR Monorail’s “All projects” (/hosting/) page will switch to a new look during the week of July 13. If you encounter any problems with the new page, please file feedback

In the coming weeks, we’re launching a revamped version of Monorail’s project list page. This UI change is part of our larger effort to modernize Monorail’s tech stack. 

To give you a chance to try out the new experience before our final launch, we’ve included a preview of the new page at our /projects route. Try it out and give us feedback!

Screenshot of the new project list page. 

As part of our effort to simplify Monorail, we’ve cut a few features: 

  • You can no longer view the number of stars a project has on the project list page.

  • Projects no longer show a “last updated” timestamp. 

While also adding a new feature:

  • Your projects are now grouped by whether you are a member of them or not, to make it easier for you to find the projects you care most about. 

When we launch this new project list page, we will include a “View in old UI” link in the page’s footer to allow you to switch back to the old UI in case you encounter any problems. 

Screenshot of the “View in the old UI” footer link. 

However, we plan to remove the old version of this page in the coming weeks, so we encourage you to use the new version. While using the new page, if you encounter any problems, please file an issue to give us feedback


Tiff Zhang, and on behalf of Chops Workflow Team

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