Extend the Notifications API to allow installed PWA's to send incoming call notifications - i.e., notifications with call-styled buttons and a ringtone. This extension will help VoIP web apps to create more engaging experiences by making it easier for users to easily recognize a calling notification and answer it. Besides that, this feature will help bridge the gap between native and web implementations of apps that have them both.
Incoming calls are events that require an immediate response. However, VoIP web applications that need to notify the user about an incoming call via the Notifications API, can only issue a regular notification
that will show up in the action/notification center without any clear differentiation. Other options include each application implementing its own in-app notification system, which will only issue notifications inside the app window. This extension to the
Notifications API standard for incoming call scenarios will allow web applications to send notifications with colored action buttons and a ringtone, which should have increased priority if allowed by the platform.
Gecko: No signal
WebKit: No signal
Web developers: No signals
Other signals:
Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?
The Notification API is not supported in WebView. Therefore, there are no WebView risks.
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I've put some comments on the github link and I agree with Mike (and other sec reviewers) that we might need a more detailed assessment of the API. The UI and mitigation are still in immature state and it's still unclear for us whether they are strong enough to prevent us from the vector of abuse.