PSA: request TAG feedback early!

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Alex Russell

Oct 17, 2023, 1:53:25 PM10/17/23
to blink-dev
Hey all,

A frequent occurrence in recent reviews have been sizeable features arriving at Intent-to-Ship with no effort made in previous intents to ask the TAG for advice and no reason given for avoiding this part of the processes.

This slows down launches while we pause consideration of an intent to give the filer time to consult the TAG and wait O(weeks) for a response.

You should expect delays of this sort of you do not file a request for feedback for TAG review at or near I2P-time, preferably as soon as you have an Explainer that holds together.

If you have questions about of and when to ask the TAG for feedback, don't hesitate to ask me or other current/ex-TAG members privately for feedback.



Sam Goto

Oct 19, 2023, 4:33:58 PM10/19/23
to Alex Russell, blink-dev

The TAG has introduced (~year ago, I think?) an "Early Design Review", which is a lot more lightweight than the "Specification Review".

If you haven't gone through this part of the process before, I'd encourage you to try again and look into using the TAG for "Early Design Reviews" somewhere between your I2P and you kicking off a Devtrial.


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Harald Alvestrand

Oct 19, 2023, 4:41:55 PM10/19/23
to Sam Goto, Alex Russell, blink-dev
what's your advice on going to TAG with respect to getting agreement in the WG?
I've got a couple of spec changes now that I really would like TAG to review early, but they consist of an explainer + PR because the WG doesn't have agreement to merge yet.


Alex Russell

Oct 19, 2023, 6:02:36 PM10/19/23
to Harald Alvestrand, Sam Goto, blink-dev
TAG review of explainers before WG agreement is optimal and recommended!

Sangwhan Moon

Oct 19, 2023, 10:37:19 PM10/19/23
to Alex Russell, Harald Alvestrand, Sam Goto, blink-dev
That would fall into the bucket of early reviews. If the early reviews template requires too much time, happy to optimize some of the inefficiencies.

Early review also shouldn't require multiple stakeholder signal, although we haven't applied that rule consistently. I'm working on a proposal to make this (and other inconsistencies in how the TAG responds to reviews) more consistent.


On Oct 20, 2023, at 7:02, Alex Russell <> wrote:

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