FYI, we are about to start a finch experiment to enable BFCaching of pages with Dedicated Workers. This is not an I2S because there's no new API or new capabilities. It's just another existing feature that used to block BFCache but won't anymore. Also, WebKit and Mozilla already do this.
That said, it was a fairly large piece of work ( and up until now, creating a DW would keep you out of BFCache so this is a visible change. As a result we are giving a heads-up. Chrome-status link is
Devs can check what, if anything, is blocking their site from being BFCached by looking in Devtools under Application -> Back/forward cache. If only the only blocking reason is DedicatedWorkerOrWorklet, their page may start being BFCached with this change. We estimate that about 2% of Android and < 1% of Desktop history navigations are blocked by this reason alone and could start to use BFCache,