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Intent to Implement and Ship: WebUSB Interface Class Filtering

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Reilly Grant

Mar 20, 2018, 4:01:43 PM3/20/18
to blink-dev

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The following set of USB interface classes, which should not be claimed using the WebUSB API, will be explicitly blocked by Blink: Audio, Video, HID, Mass Storage, Smart Card, Wireless Controller (Bluetooth and Wireless USB). These interface classes are already mostly blocked by an operating system’s built-in class drivers. This change establishes consistency across platforms.


The WebUSB API is designed to provide a mechanism for device manufacturers and developers to build applications supporting novel hardware on the web instead of through native apps. As explained in the original Intent to Ship for WebUSB, most USB devices fall into one of a number of standardized device classes for which there are already high-level APIs provided by the Web Platform. For each of these interface classes the high-level API is the supported path and WebUSB is the unsupported path.


Interoperability and Compatibility

Developers may have implemented workarounds at an operating system level to allow devices of these classes to be claimed by web content using WebUSB. For example, on Windows, a specially crafted INF file can override the system default driver for a particular device with the WinUSB driver. Or, on Linux, udev rules can be configured so that the Linux kernel does not bind a driver to the device. After this change such workarounds will not be possible.

Web developers who have deployed any of the workarounds above will likely be negative on this change however the overall benefit to developers of continuing to provide this API for the scenarios in which it is fully supported outweighs this loss of functionality.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


To avoid developer confusion, a specific SecurityError message will be used when the claimInterface() method fails due to this filtering and a message will be logged to the console.

Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?

All platforms other than Android WebView, which currently does not support WebUSB.

Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests?

This feature is currently tested by LayoutTests while it is decided to what extent the list of blocked interface classes should be part of the specification or Chrome-specific policy. Moving these tests into web-platform-tests is a trivial change once this question is resolved.

Link to entry on the feature dashboard

This is a small change that fits under the existing entry in the feature dashboard for WebUSB.

Requesting approval to ship?


Jochen Eisinger

Mar 20, 2018, 4:03:04 PM3/20/18
to Reilly Grant, blink-dev

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Mar 21, 2018, 5:38:44 AM3/21/18
to blink-dev,
lgtm2. Developers already need to deal with `claimInterface` rejecting (because the user removed the device, for instance), so I'm hopeful that this won't cause any user-visible breakage.

Reilly Grant

Mar 23, 2018, 4:49:56 PM3/23/18
to Yoav Weiss, blink-dev
On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 1:25 PM Yoav Weiss <> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 9:01 PM Reilly Grant <> wrote:

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The following set of USB interface classes, which should not be claimed using the WebUSB API, will be explicitly blocked by Blink: Audio, Video, HID, Mass Storage, Smart Card, Wireless Controller (Bluetooth and Wireless USB). These interface classes are already mostly blocked by an operating system’s built-in class drivers. This change establishes consistency across platforms.


The WebUSB API is designed to provide a mechanism for device manufacturers and developers to build applications supporting novel hardware on the web instead of through native apps. As explained in the original Intent to Ship for WebUSB, most USB devices fall into one of a number of standardized device classes for which there are already high-level APIs provided by the Web Platform. For each of these interface classes the high-level API is the supported path and WebUSB is the unsupported path.


Interoperability and Compatibility

Developers may have implemented workarounds at an operating system level to allow devices of these classes to be claimed by web content using WebUSB. For example, on Windows, a specially crafted INF file can override the system default driver for a particular device with the WinUSB driver. Or, on Linux, udev rules can be configured so that the Linux kernel does not bind a driver to the device. After this change such workarounds will not be possible.

Web developers who have deployed any of the workarounds above will likely be negative on this change however the overall benefit to developers of continuing to provide this API for the scenarios in which it is fully supported outweighs this loss of functionality.

IIUC, these workarounds require *users* to change their OS (either willingly or through social engineering). Is that correct?

Correct. These workarounds could be deployed through a standard native application installer.

Yoav Weiss

Mar 23, 2018, 4:52:48 PM3/23/18
to Reilly Grant, blink-dev
Thanks! I agree that while this may prevent some tinkering, it seems like the benefits of blocking this outweigh the loss.


Jun 18, 2018, 11:11:14 AM6/18/18
to blink-dev
Actually, I do think this a too strict.

In my case I use an Arduino, which reports itself as a HID, since I want it to enter some Keys. Wich keys to enter is defined using a WebApp. As you can see I won't be able to make any settings, unless I find a way to switch of the HID functionality at runtime.

My suggestion is to block devices that ONLY implement the named classes. In other words: As soon as a device has a class that is not in the list, I should be able to claim it.

Reilly Grant

Jun 18, 2018, 12:45:33 PM6/18/18
to, blink-dev
On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 8:11 AM <> wrote:
Actually, I do think this a too strict.

In my case I use an Arduino, which reports itself as a HID, since I want it to enter some Keys. Wich keys to enter is defined using a WebApp. As you can see I won't be able to make any settings, unless I find a way to switch of the HID functionality at runtime.

I don't see how this follows. The operating system claims the HID interface, allowing the device to enter key events. The device also defines a non-HID endpoint which can be accessed by the WebApp to provide configuration to the device. Why does the WebApp also need to claim the HID interface? If events from the HID interface must always be mediated through the WebApp because they aren't signaling the right keys then why is it a HID interface at all?
My suggestion is to block devices that ONLY implement the named classes. In other words: As soon as a device has a class that is not in the list, I should be able to claim it.

I am concerned that this would make reasoning about the consequences of this change substantially more difficult and thus accidentally expose more sensitive devices.

Jul 3, 2018, 3:20:15 AM7/3/18
to blink-dev
Not sure if you're still looking for feedback, but I've been experimenting with a video editing USB device which is now blocked. Use cases are numerous, but right now I'm working on cloud software that would greatly benefit from this integration. Would it be unreasonable to appeal specific vendor ids or loosen for non-keyboard HIDs?

Reilly Grant

Jul 3, 2018, 11:13:40 AM7/3/18
to, blink-dev
On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 12:20 AM tbranyen via blink-dev <> wrote:
Not sure if you're still looking for feedback, but I've been experimenting with a video editing USB device which is now blocked. Use cases are numerous, but right now I'm working on cloud software that would greatly benefit from this integration. Would it be unreasonable to appeal specific vendor ids or loosen for non-keyboard HIDs?

Can you elaborate on the interface layout of this device so I can understand what it's functions are and why your application needs to access protected interfaces?
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Tim Branyen

Jul 5, 2018, 11:52:23 PM7/5/18
to Reilly Grant, blink-dev
The device is a X-keys XK-12 Jog & Shuttle ( Although this company has many hacker-friendly input devices that could be whitelisted. The vendor id I use is 0x05F3. 

Here is the C driver:

My use case is for pairing with Media Source Extensions to provide a video editor-like experience in a web application.
- Tim Branyen

Reilly Grant

Jul 6, 2018, 11:48:42 AM7/6/18
to, blink-dev
On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 8:52 PM Tim Branyen <> wrote:
The device is a X-keys XK-12 Jog & Shuttle ( Although this company has many hacker-friendly input devices that could be whitelisted. The vendor id I use is 0x05F3. 

Here is the C driver:

My use case is for pairing with Media Source Extensions to provide a video editor-like experience in a web application.

Thank you for the additional information. I assumed from your original message that this was a video class device but I see now that it is an HID class device offering additional keys and control types not normally found on a keyboard or mouse. It perhaps could be modeled as a gamepad but that would require firmware changes.

Tim Branyen

Jul 16, 2018, 4:32:19 PM7/16/18
to Reilly Grant, blink-dev
Is the problem with the HID class that it would not be possible to differentiate this device from a keyboard? I briefly Googled and it does not seem possible, but this is not my area of expertise. I think the current filtering is a good first step, but I hope for the benefit of WebUSB adoption that the restrictions are loosened or an alternative approach is explored such as a whitelist registry.
- Tim Branyen

Oct 18, 2018, 12:39:43 PM10/18/18
to blink-dev,
It should be possible to filter against keyboards, mice, and other boot devices with the interface subclass. I'm referencing the HID class definition section 4.3. I would think that this would satisfy any concerns of HID class devices claimed by the OS being misused while allowing other HID class-compliant devices to be used with WebUSB.

Reilly Grant

Oct 22, 2018, 12:25:01 PM10/22/18
A better solution for accessing these kinds of HID devices is coming in the form of WebHID:
Reilly Grant | Software Engineer | | Google Chrome

Oct 22, 2018, 6:49:11 PM10/22/18
to blink-dev
Is there any hope for a seamless smart card experience in the future ? Are you considering a WebCCID interface ? Allowing smart card access on webapps, for the user to sign documents on administrative platform, without having to install buggy drivers, would be a dream come true.

Nov 27, 2018, 8:26:11 PM11/27/18
to blink-dev,
I'm in the same position where I'm trying to access/control Exposure/Aperture/Brightness/Contrast/etc... for cameras. There are no Web API to control cameras in such a way beside WebUSB but it's just impossible to claim the right interface now.


Harald Alvestrand

Nov 28, 2018, 3:58:16 AM11/28/18
There is exposure/brightness etc exposed on the Image Capture API:

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Christophe Balestra

Nov 28, 2018, 3:29:43 PM11/28/18
In practice it doesn't really work though. For example I can control my FaceTime camera exposure using node-usb in Electron, but the exposure isn't available using the Image Capture API in Chrome. And actually none of the controls I mentioned earlier are available...

Reilly Grant

Nov 28, 2018, 4:59:39 PM11/28/18
to, Harald Alvestrand,
Adding support in the Image Capture API for the FaceTime camera is tracked by issue 817805.

Reilly Grant | Software Engineer | | Google Chrome

Bhaumik, Rijubrata

Nov 29, 2018, 4:03:29 AM11/29/18
to,, Harald Alvestrand,

If you are on Android or Linux/CrOS, Chrome Dev channel should have the support for exposure Time[1] and focus Distance[2].
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Jordi M

Feb 8, 2019, 12:06:04 PM2/8/19
to blink-dev
I am quite new around here but started playing with the WebUSB API few days ago and I feel this as a too strict rule, if I am understanding it correctly, setting a considerably high limitation to the technology. I found this issue while I was trying to prepare a demo with a USB NFC card reader and writer. With this Interface Class Flitering enabled, which is the standard / proposed approach blink gives to surpass this limitations, or how we need to interact with it from the web? Is there any specification that explains how this must be approached, if chrome extensions are the way to go, ... ?
I saw there is a WebNFC implementation but only available for mobile devices (couldn't deep into it) but I feel this is a more generic topic to other devices.


On Tuesday, 20 March 2018 21:01:43 UTC+1, Reilly Grant wrote:

Apr 24, 2019, 12:25:13 PM4/24/19
to blink-dev
Totally agree with Laurent.
Usb smartcard reader (interface class = 0x0B)have a really stronger security level than others like audio/mouse/keyboard usb interfaces.
They have:
- crypted serial communication (like secure messaging
- smartcard with standard ISO 7816,, which implement all security features of EMV, crypto, etc.


May 24, 2019, 12:14:35 PM5/24/19
to blink-dev
вторник, 20 марта 2018 г., 23:01:43 UTC+3 пользователь Reilly Grant написал:


The WebUSB API is designed to provide a mechanism for device manufacturers and developers to build applications supporting novel hardware on the web instead of through native apps. As explained in the original Intent to Ship for WebUSB, most USB devices fall into one of a number of standardized device classes for which there are already high-level APIs provided by the Web Platform. For each of these interface classes the high-level API is the supported path and WebUSB is the unsupported path.

 Couldn't you make it a bit clearer: with WebUSB blocking access is there any built-in high-level javascript API to access smart cards? Is there any being in development? Or the motivation to block the access to smart cards is different from the stated one?

Fabien Perie

Jun 21, 2022, 12:27:40 PM6/21/22
to blink-dev,

It's unfortunate that the WebUSB API does not support smart cards readers.
With the navigator.usb.requestDevice() method, the user can select a device and thus authorize it to use it.
Why would it then be blocked?

Interesting initiative with too many restrictions to use.

Have you got a solution ?

Thank's a lot,

Regimantas Vegele

Nov 10, 2022, 6:10:15 PM11/10/22
to blink-dev,

I was wondering, what way is there today to create a web-app (non-native android application) where I'd be able to plug-in a USB camera into an android device and be able to use it as an external camera of sorts. MediaDevices.getUserMedia() does not seem to work on a mobile android device + chrome. It does work on chrome on a pc. My camera is detected and I can select it as camera in a browser, but not on mobile. USB is blocked as device is a video device.


Reilly Grant

Nov 14, 2022, 11:36:17 AM11/14/22
to Regimantas Vegele, blink-dev
On Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 5:57 PM Regimantas Vegele <> wrote:

I was wondering, what way is there today to create a web-app (non-native android application) where I'd be able to plug-in a USB camera into an android device and be able to use it as an external camera of sorts. MediaDevices.getUserMedia() does not seem to work on a mobile android device + chrome. It does work on chrome on a pc. My camera is detected and I can select it as camera in a browser, but not on mobile. USB is blocked as device is a video device.

Please file an issue on with information about your USB camera and Android device. External cameras should be available through getUserMedia() on Android.

Alexey Rodionov (Fluorescent Hallucinogen)

Mar 8, 2023, 12:53:51 PM3/8/23
to blink-dev, Reilly Grant, blink-dev, Regimantas Vegele
>  External cameras should be available through getUserMedia() on Android.

Unfortunately, `getUserMedia()` doesn't work on Android. It's broken and crashes on Android 10+. See for more info.

Reilly Grant

Mar 8, 2023, 2:26:20 PM3/8/23
to Alexey Rodionov (Fluorescent Hallucinogen), blink-dev, Regimantas Vegele
On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 9:53 AM Alexey Rodionov (Fluorescent Hallucinogen) <> wrote:
>  External cameras should be available through getUserMedia() on Android.

Unfortunately, `getUserMedia()` doesn't work on Android. It's broken and crashes on Android 10+. See for more info.

That issue is specific to screen capture and not cameras. It sounds like the crash you are seeing is related to the unlaunched screen capture feature. If you are seeing an issue with camera capture as well please file a separate issue. 

Alexey Rodionov (Fluorescent Hallucinogen)

Mar 8, 2023, 2:44:33 PM3/8/23
to blink-dev, Reilly Grant, blink-dev, Regimantas Vegele, Alexey Rodionov (Fluorescent Hallucinogen)
Oh, I misread `getUserMedia` as `getDisplayMedia`. 🤦‍♂️

четверг, 9 марта 2023 г. в 00:26:20 UTC+5, Reilly Grant:

Luke Schaefer

Sep 29, 2023, 10:34:05 AM9/29/23
to blink-dev, Alexey Rodionov (Fluorescent Hallucinogen), Reilly Grant, blink-dev, Regimantas Vegele
Due to an issue with Chrome being unable to do getUserMedia() UVC cameras on Android (see here) - I was hoping I could use WebUSB as a workaround to get video data from an external device. However, while I can query for connected UVC devices, and even see available interfaces, this Interface Class Filtering means it's forbidden to connect. So getUserMedia doesn't work, nor WebUSB. Is there any way around these issues? This is a not even *that* niche of a use case - external thermal cameras are popular for one, as are devices like this for RC planes. Anyone who wants to integrate with these class of devices on the mobile web will find it impossible. I'm working on a project I'd like to be able to distribute to users via Web only, and not have to build an Android app just to have a working UVC solution.

Andrey Safonov

Jul 18, 2024, 11:35:19 AM7/18/24
to blink-dev, Luke Schaefer, Alexey Rodionov (Fluorescent Hallucinogen), Reilly Grant, blink-dev, Regimantas Vegele
Yes, I agree with Luke. It seems that this decision was made hastily and inflexibly, making it challenging to develop applications that require deeper access. I understand privacy concerns from the user's perspective, but users should be able to agree to, allow, or provide necessary permissions instead of simply blocking access entirely.

getUserMedia exposes very little information about the device itself.

What is the appeal process for reverting this change or engineering it for more flexibility?
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