Intent to Extend Origin Trial: WebRTC Insertable Streams Legacy API

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Guido Urdaneta

Aug 11, 2020, 11:06:38 AM8/11/20
to blink-dev

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This API allows RTCPeerConnections to expose the data flowing through it as streams (based on the WHATWG Streams API). This allows applications to insert custom processing of data via transform streams. We also want to support running transform streams on a worker, so we want to include the Transferable Streams feature in this origin trial.

An Origin Trial for WebRTC Insertable Streams started in Chrome 83 and is scheduled to end in Chrome 86.  We have sent an Intent to Ship that covers the final version of the Insertable Streams API, aiming to ship it in Chrome 86. Based on the feedback obtained from the Origin Trial, the shape of the API changed and the Intent to Ship covers the final version of the API, as stated in the latest version of the spec. However, some of the trial participants are still using the old version of the API and we would like to extend the origin trial for the old version of the API for one more Chrome release, so that these users have more time to migrate to the new version of the API. In addition they can continue to experiment with Transferable Streams, which is expected to ship later.

Link to “Intent to Prototype” blink-dev discussion

For Transferable streams:

Original Intent to Experiment and Extension:!topic/blink-dev/Oy84pXDhajI!topic/blink-dev/6BSEbB0Ut5U

Goals for experimentation

The goal for continuing this experiment is to give developers more time to migrate to the final version of the API, for which an Intent to Ship has been sent. 

Experimental timeline

When does the experiment start and expire?

The extended experiment will start and end on Chrome 87.

Any risks when the experiment finishes?

The main risk is that sites participating in the experiment continue to use the legacy API when the experiment ends, but this is well known. The migration to the final version of the API should be straightforward.

Reason this experiment is being extended

Some of the participants in the trial have not yet migrated to the final version of the API, and we want to give them one extra milestone to complete the migration. We believe this is preferable to shipping the legacy API to all users in a deprecated state and later remove it.

Ongoing technical constraints


Will this feature be supported on all five Blink platforms supported by Origin Trials (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, and Android)?


Link to entry on the feature dashboard

Yoav Weiss

Aug 13, 2020, 6:19:02 AM8/13/20
to Guido Urdaneta, blink-dev
Extending to M87 LGTM

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