m...@chromium.org, huang...@chromium.org, dsl...@google.com
The list of mime types supported by the async clipboard API isn’t currently specified anywhere. The list of mime types supported by datatransfer is specified here: https://w3c.github.io/clipboard-apis/#mandatory-data-types-x
There are also efforts to improve this specification here: https://github.com/w3c/editing/issues/305
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jq8QSCQRdNy99rnPusmW8is62c22PVuq-Sk-tMT2tRk/edit (internal)
Adds image/svg+xml support to the Async Clipboard API. The current implementation of the Async Clipboard API only supports text/plain, image/png, and text/html. SVG images are popular due to their ability to encode images in a space efficiently and their ability to maintain image quality even when zooming in.
N/A. This is a minor addition, and the supported mime types are left up to the user agent. See “Specification” section of this intent.
There is some interoperability risk because chrome will be the first browser to support the SVG format on the clipboard. There haven't been any public signals from other browsers but there also haven't been any negative signals, and this is a specified part of the clipboard, so should improve our matching of the implementation with the specification.
Gecko: No signal
WebKit: No signal
Web developers: Positive
The risk is no higher than any of the other formats in the Clipboard API.
The feature is relatively easy to access. All one must do is specify the new format type as an argument.
Similarly to HTML, SVG can contain malicious content. SVG is an XML based format, so it can contain javascript. We use the same sanitizer that HTML uses to remove script tags and other javascript that can be embedded in other elements.
Intent to Prototype: https://groups.google.com/u/1/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/uZIHh4zMS94/m/MOVBHIAGAgAJ
This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status.Contact emails
m...@chromium.org, huang...@chromium.org, dsl...@google.com
The list of mime types supported by the async clipboard API isn’t currently specified anywhere. The list of mime types supported by datatransfer is specified here: https://w3c.github.io/clipboard-apis/#mandatory-data-types-x
There are also efforts to improve this specification here: https://github.com/w3c/editing/issues/305
Design docs
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jq8QSCQRdNy99rnPusmW8is62c22PVuq-Sk-tMT2tRk/edit (internal)
Adds image/svg+xml support to the Async Clipboard API. The current implementation of the Async Clipboard API only supports text/plain, image/png, and text/html. SVG images are popular due to their ability to encode images in a space efficiently and their ability to maintain image quality even when zooming in.
Blink component
Search tags
TAG review
N/A. This is a minor addition, and the supported mime types are left up to the user agent. See “Specification” section of this intent.
Interoperability and Compatibility
There is some interoperability risk because chrome will be the first browser to support the SVG format on the clipboard. There haven't been any public signals from other browsers but there also haven't been any negative signals, and this is a specified part of the clipboard, so should improve our matching of the implementation with the specification.
Gecko: No signal
WebKit: No signal
Web developers: Positive
The risk is no higher than any of the other formats in the Clipboard API.
The feature is relatively easy to access. All one must do is specify the new format type as an argument.
Similarly to HTML, SVG can contain malicious content. SVG is an XML based format, so it can contain javascript. We use the same sanitizer that HTML uses to remove script tags and other javascript that can be embedded in other elements.
Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests?
DevTrial instructions
Flag name
Tracking bug
Sample links
Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status
Links to previous Intent discussions
Intent to Prototype: https://groups.google.com/u/1/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/uZIHh4zMS94/m/MOVBHIAGAgAJ
This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status.--- Darwin Huang
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Web developers: Positive
Any links?
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My concern with style-less SVG is that it might result in useless content so that the feature becomes avoided rather than used. Most of the semantics in HTML is in the text, while most of the semantics in SVG is in location, size and colour, things that might be in CSS styles depending on the SVG author.
I do not know how often style-stripped SVGs are useless though, so I don't know how concerned I should be.
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There's a recurring debate here about the stripping of inline style information; Sean, how much worse is it for styles to be stripped in your use-cases? If we wait for styles to be re-added (if they can be at all) to ship this, how much worse is that?
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