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Intent to Extend Experiment: JavaScript Promise Integration

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Oct 16, 2024, 6:00:33 PM10/16/24

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Design docs


Stack Switching denotes a technology that allows programs to suspend and resume computation. This is an active area that is part of the WebAssembly standards track. See and This particular feature refers to the integration between JavaScript Promises and stack switching. This is described in more detail in

Blink component


Search tags

stack switching, Promise, JSPI

TAG review Review was declined, deferring to W3C WebAssembly CG

TAG review status


Chromium Trial Name


Origin Trial documentation link

WebFeature UseCounter name



Interoperability and Compatibility

This spec is backed by a standardization effort. We do not plan to ship the JSPI until it has been standardized by the W3C Wasm WG. However, post standardization, we will depend on all browsers implementing the standard.

Gecko: Positive ( Mozilla have started their own imlementation

WebKit: No signal

Web developers: No signals

Other signals:


Making use of JSPI requires some changes by WebAssembly-based developers (no impact on JavaScript developers). Depending on their toolchain usage a developer will need to modify their code. For Emscripten users, this is likely to be minimal as support for JSPI exists in Emscripten.


1. Control flow integrity. 2. Ensuring that JavaScript programs cannot suspend via JSPI.

WebView application risks

Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?

Goals for experimentation

Reason this experiment is being extended

JSPI is part of a standards track effort. We are currently in 'stage 3' of a five stage process. The next stage (4) is when a specification is deemed final. There was a change in the API which we soft launched in M126 but we would like to formally switch to this new API in M129. (We had informed our users that we would be maintaining the old API through the end of the OT.) So, in summary there are two reasons for extending the origin trial: 1. We are not quite ready to move the spec to phase 4. This is for non-implementation reasons: we need to draft and review the specification text; which, for a feature like JSPI is not completely trivial. 2. We would like to allow sufficient time for users to fully experiment with the new API. We anticipate being able to fully ship JSPI before the end of 2024.

Reason this experiment is being extended

We wish to extend the OT for JSPI for a second time. Hopefully, this will be the last extension before shipping. We have recently implemented one of the key technology improvements that we believed necessary for shipping: growable stacks. However, performance remains a blocker for some partners and we would like to be able to continue performance improvements. The specification itself should be moving to phase 4 in the standards process; hopefully in the next few months.

Ongoing technical constraints



Developers can piggyback on existing DevTools support for Promises to help with debugging JSPI applications. In particular the existing mechanisms for constructing extended stack traces from so-called Promise chains will also include stack traces from JSPI applications.

Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, and Android WebView)?


Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests?


Flag name on chrome://flags


Finch feature name


Non-finch justification


Requires code in //chrome?


Tracking bug

Estimated milestones

Origin trial desktop first 123
Origin trial desktop last 131
Origin trial extension 1 end milestone 131
Origin trial extension 2 end milestone 133
DevTrial on desktop 109
Origin trial Android first 123
Origin trial Android last 131
Origin trial WebView first 123
Origin trial WebView last 131

Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

Links to previous Intent discussions

Intent to Prototype:
Intent to Experiment:
Intent to Extend Experiment 1:

This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status.

Alex Russell

Oct 17, 2024, 12:54:10 AM10/17/24
to blink-dev, Chromestatus,
Hey Francis,

A few small questions...:
  • Is the OT documentation link correct?
  • Have we requested a position from WebKit? Seems like we're far enough along to start on that.
...and a few larger questions:
  • If I understand this correctly, there was a *breaking* change in 129? If so, that's helpful for requesting an end-to-end this long, as it would reset the "burn in" clock.
  • Has there been feedback from the original OT that you can share?
  • Why shouldn't we just ship this now? I understand the WASM WG process arguments, but if we've got good confidence in the current API shape and the developer feedback on the M129+ API shape is positive, we might look to send I2S before this OT ends (with a gapless OT). How are y'all thinking about that?


Francis McCabe

Oct 17, 2024, 1:06:18 AM10/17/24
to Alex Russell, blink-dev, Chromestatus
Hi Alex
  Some small responses:

1. We currently have around 120 OT registrants. We have had some informal feedback, including from Meet — who are planning to use JSPI as part of their effort to migrate to WebGPU.
2. Agreed that we can ping Webkit now. Will do soon.
3. The process for the CG hinges on a few things: getting the tests in good shape (done I hope), getting the spec in good shape (see below). Hopefully, we will be going to phase 4 before the end of the year.
4. Yes, there was a breaking change in 129. We retired the ‘old’ API and only supported the ’new’ API from that release. (The new API was actually live since 126.)

Wrt spec: it turns out that specifying JSPI in a faithful way has been challenging. This is due to a semantic mismatch between how JS is specified and how Wasm is specified. (Actually, it is mostly an issue for JS). However, I believe that we are in a reasonable position now; but I’m not counting chickens at the moment.

The documentation link should be correct. It has not changed for a while.


Alex Russell

Oct 17, 2024, 12:07:26 PM10/17/24
to Francis McCabe, blink-dev, Chromestatus
Thanks for all of this. I'm comfortable with the continuation given the breaking change.

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