The `require-sri-for` directive gives developers the ability to assert that every resource of a given type needs to be integrity checked. If a resource of that type is attempted to be loaded without integrity metadata, that attempt will fail and trigger a CSP violation report.
Subresource-Integrity (SRI) enables developers to make sure the assets they intend to load are indeed the assets they are loading. But there's no current way for developers to be sure that all of their scripts are validated using SRI. The `require-sri-for` CSP directive would enable developers achieve that.
No particular compatibility concern. It's too early to discuss interop risks, but at worst, this directive would apply (voluntary) content restrictions which won't be applied in non-supporting browsers. So I wouldn't expect content to break in other browsers.
Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?
No milestones specified