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Hi,I have several questions:* Has this step been discussed recently at the CSSWG?
* Is there consensus there that the current prefixed behavior is as close as we can get it to the optimal state without breaking the web?
* You mentioned a Firefox engineer was supportive of this step, do you have more details on Mozilla's position? It would be best to make sure all browsers can ship the same appearance property together, and given recent discussions, I think that may be possible.
* Why should we ship non-standard values in the unprefixed property?
It's very difficult to have consistent behavior in that case.
For example, if '-webkit-appearance: inner-spin-button' is specified, what's the computed value of 'appearance', which doesn't support 'inner-spin-button'?
If we deprecate unspecified keywords without shipping 'appearance' property, Chrome would show a deprecation message like "inner-spin-button is deprecated and will be removed M??. Please use '-webkit-appearance: auto' instead." But we should not recommend using prefixed -webkit-appearance. The message should be ".. use 'appearance: auto' instead".
We don't think we can remove slider*-vertical keywords soon because Blink and WebKit have no other ways to render vertical sliders. [whatwg/html#4177]
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On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 1:52 AM Chris Harrelson <chri...@chromium.org> wrote:Hi,I have several questions:* Has this step been discussed recently at the CSSWG?The CSSWG telecon on 2019-11-20 discussed 'appearance' property, and concluded to remove implementation-not-ready warning from the specification.* Is there consensus there that the current prefixed behavior is as close as we can get it to the optimal state without breaking the web?I think the consensus was made at https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3024.* You mentioned a Firefox engineer was supportive of this step, do you have more details on Mozilla's position? It would be best to make sure all browsers can ship the same appearance property together, and given recent discussions, I think that may be possible.An engineer said that the current 'appearance' definition and the plan to implement it in Chrome were 'nice'. They didn't say they'll implement it, and I don't think it can be assumed as Mozilla's official position.* Why should we ship non-standard values in the unprefixed property?I wrote a document about this intent. Quote from it:Why won't we ship 'appearance' property without unspecified keywords?
It's very difficult to have consistent behavior in that case.
For example, if '-webkit-appearance: inner-spin-button' is specified, what's the computed value of 'appearance', which doesn't support 'inner-spin-button'?
Why won't we deprecate and remove unspecified keywords before shipping 'appearance'?
If we deprecate unspecified keywords without shipping 'appearance' property, Chrome would show a deprecation message like "inner-spin-button is deprecated and will be removed M??. Please use '-webkit-appearance: auto' instead." But we should not recommend using prefixed -webkit-appearance. The message should be ".. use 'appearance: auto' instead".
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I wrote a document about this intent. Quote from it:Why won't we ship 'appearance' property without unspecified keywords?
It's very difficult to have consistent behavior in that case.
For example, if '-webkit-appearance: inner-spin-button' is specified, what's the computed value of 'appearance', which doesn't support 'inner-spin-button'?
Why won't we deprecate and remove unspecified keywords before shipping 'appearance'?
If we deprecate unspecified keywords without shipping 'appearance' property, Chrome would show a deprecation message like "inner-spin-button is deprecated and will be removed M??. Please use '-webkit-appearance: auto' instead." But we should not recommend using prefixed -webkit-appearance. The message should be ".. use 'appearance: auto' instead".
Wouldn't this be possible if we were to ship `appearance` only with specified keywords and deprecate them from `-webkit-appearance` (at least for the ones where we have a replacement)?
Thanks for all the background, Simon and Tamura-san. Glad to see ongoing work to turn off prefixes that have escaped the lab.Have any other vendors shipped unprefixed appearance?
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