Contact emails, dom...@chromium.orgExplainer
Normally, when navigateEvent.intercept() is called, the intercepted navigation commits (and therefore the URL updates) as soon as the NavigateEvent finishes dispatch. This adds a `commit` option to navigateEvent.intercept(). If a `commit` value of "manual" is given, the commit will be deferred until the new navigateEvent.commit() method is called.
Blink component
In developing the navigation API, we heard feedback ( that our current policy of immediately committing the navigation does not match with how routing libraries currently model asynchronous same-document navigations.
Initial public proposal review
TAG review status
Interoperability and Compatibility
Gecko: No signal
WebKit: No signal
Web developers: Strongly positive ( Developers are clear that this capability is desired and useful, with the cited issue containing several example use cases. During the Dev Trial we intend to validate that the proposed API shape works well for them.
Other signals:
WebView application risks
Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?
YesFlag name
Requires code in //chrome?
FalseEstimated milestones
No milestones specified
Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status