Hi feature API developers,
It is an option to have a gapless transition between an Origin Trial and shipping an API. This was
discussed on blink-api-owners-discuss late last year. The resulting text is
here (see Step 3 (Origin Trial)). It reads:
"If an Origin Trial happens, then there is a required breaking period before shipping in step 4. If you wish to skip the breaking period, meaning that sites participating in the Origin Trial will not see an interruption in support for the feature between Origin Trial and launch (*), you may request an exception. The process to do so is to include this request in your Intent to Ship email. In the request, you must show clear evidence that developers engaged with the Origin Trial and that their concerns were taken into account in the final API design and implementation. LGTMs for the Intent to Ship imply approval of the request.
(*) "Not see an interruption" means that if the origin trial ends at milestone N, and the feature is shipped in milestone N+1, sites opting into the origin trial will continue to be able to use the feature on Chromium milestone N up to (and even after, for those users who have not upgraded) N+1 ships."