This feature captures the JS call stack when a web page becomes unresponsive due to JavaScript code running an infinite loop or other very long computation. This helps developers to identify the cause of the unresponsiveness and fix it more easily. The JS call stack is included in the crash reporting API when the reason is unresponsive.
"The stack trace format itself is not compatible across browsers." However, "It is already exposed throughout the web platform (via the `error.stack` getter), and there is already a lot of software, both client- and server-side, which deals with parsing the different browsers' formats."
Stack frames from cross-domain scripts that were not loaded with CORS must be omitted.
Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?
The experiment is being extended due to some unexpected issues that a team faced while onboarding to the trial right away. Additionally, multiple teams have found the feature useful and would benefit from additional experimentation time. Internal teams and external partners have expressed excitement about the call stacks feature and have asked for the trial to be extended. This extension will allow us to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the experiment's impact and ensure that our conclusions are robust and reliable.
Developers can launch DevTools, go to the "Application" Tab, then in the "Background services" section click on "Reporting API" where they can inspect reports that are queued to be sent. Application --> Reporting API
This feature is not currently testable on WPT, since triggering it requires crashing the browser.
Origin trial desktop first | 127 |
Origin trial desktop last | 132 |
Origin trial extension 1 end milestone | 135 |
DevTrial on desktop | 125 |
Origin trial Android first | 127 |
Origin trial Android last | 132 |
DevTrial on Android | 125 |
Origin trial WebView first | 127 |
Origin trial WebView last | 132 |
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LGTM to extend M133-M135 (inclusive)
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