For original Protected Audience Private Aggregation reporting support:
For original Protected Audience downsampling forDebuggingOnly reporting:
Private aggregation reporting:
Downsampling fDO:
This feature adds changes necessary in Chrome to support two reporting mechanisms for Protected Audience (PA) auctions run on Bidding and Auction Services (B&A):
Private Aggregation Reporting: for measuring aggregate, cross-site data in a privacy preserving manner.
Downsampling of forDebuggingOnly (fDO) reports: changes necessary in the client to support the eventual implementation of downsampling of fDO in B&A. Chrome previously supported these reporting mechanisms for on-device PA auctions, and this feature brings them to B&A on-server auctions.
For Protected Audience:
For Protected Audience Bidding and Auction Services:
Completed for Protected Audience, resolved unsatisfied.
Feature represents optional new behavior that shouldn’t break existing usage.
Gecko & WebKit: For Protected Audiences in general - Negative from Mozilla. No signal from Webkit.
Edge: Edge is running an Origin Trial of the Ad Selection API which shares a Web API and services protocol with PA. Their auction reporting doc says future work includes aggregate reporting which can be facilitated by this.
Web developers:
Private aggregation reporting in Protected Audience: Discussed on github (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
Downsampled forDebuggingOnly in Protected Audience: Discussed here and in person here.
On-device API surfaces should be debuggable in Chrome DevTools, and we’ve added extensive mechanisms for debugging Bidding and Auction services.
It will be supported on all platforms that support Protected Audience, so all but WebView.
We plan to add WPTs to cover this API shortly. We already have WPTs for Protected Audience Bidding and Auction Services and for Protected Audience private aggregation reporting, and will extend these accordingly.
Shipping on desktop and Android in M132.
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Can you let us know when you have landed WPTs?
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Thanks Paul. Do we have a CL up for forDebuggingOnly that I can
subscribe to?
I see the WPTs have all landed now, thanks.
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