Seeking feedback on <model> element proposal

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Marcos Caceres

Aug 17, 2022, 7:31:14 PM8/17/22
to blink-dev
Hi Blink-Dev / Chromium folks, 

WebKit project is seeking input into our recently proposed HTML <model> element, which was submitted for incubation to the Immersive Web CG at the W3C. 

We have an explainer that outlines the motivation (and tries to answer how this is different to using WebGL, lowering barrier of entry, potential use cases, etc.): 

And the *very rough* makings of a spec (mostly just red boxes outlining all the potential issues we've identified so far):

We'd love to get your feedback, either here or as issues filed in the repository:

We know that trying to standardize <model> is going to be a significant undertaking with a lot of challenges, but we are really excited about bringing this new capability to Web. Looking forward to getting your feedback and collaborating on incubating it! 

Kind regards,

Chris Harrelson

Aug 19, 2022, 1:25:52 PM8/19/22
to Marcos Caceres, Panos Astithas, blink-dev
Hi Marcos,

Thanks for the email and explainer/spec links! I have two updates for you.

First: some folks who own this feature area in Google Chrome have added some feedback here (which I know you've already seen, just noting it here for completeness).

Second, I wanted to mention that there is a bi-weekly HTML spec triage meeting that you're welcome to present at for general feedback, and about any potential concerns or issues with integration of the <model> element into the HTML spec (*). Feel free to reach out to +Panos Astithas who is happy to schedule a time for you.

(*) Though I should note that in terms of implementer interest from Chromium for landing such a spec, we'd rely on the view of the feature area owners I mentioned above.


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