Hello blink-dev,
Following previous guidance, I would like to distribute this PSA regarding an implementation change for a previously shipped Multi Screen Window Placement API surface. In particular, we are changing Chrome's implementation of the ScreenDetailed.label attribute.
See below for the specifics of this change including the implementation and launch bugs. We are currently targeting a launch in M105.
btr...@chromium.org, m...@chromium.org
Enhances screen label strings provided by the Multi-Screen Window Placement API: <https://chromestatus.com/feature/5252960583942144>
This launch refines the `ScreenDetailed.label` implementation by replacing the current placeholder values (e.g. 'External Display 1') with data sourced from display device EDIDs (e.g. 'HP Z27n') and higher-level OS APIs (e.g. localized descriptions such as 'Built-in Retina Display'). These more accurate labels match those shown by OSes in display settings UI surfaces. The labels are only exposed to sites which have been granted the window-placement permission by the user.
This revised implementation aligns with the current attribute specification <https://w3c.github.io/window-placement/#screen-label> and definitions used for the M93-M96 Origin Trial and the M100 API launch. There is no structural change to the API, only a change in the string content returned by the `ScreenDetailed.label` attribute. The new labels are intended to allow the end user to better identify and tell the difference between screens. Applications can’t assume that the label contains any specific information, such as the device type, model, dimensions, density, etc.
Multi-Screen Window Placement API partners have requested this change to provide more recognizable and user-friendly entries in screen selection interfaces.
The original window placement API design review is here:
Issues open
Gecko: No signal (https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/542) Link is for the original window placement API which has some feedback but no definitive signal.
WebKit: No signal (https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2021-June/031903.html) Link is for the original window placement API which has some feedback but no definitive signal.
Web developers: Positive
(Specifically requested by Multi-Screen Window Placement API partners)
The Multi-Screen Window Placement API is currently available only on desktop platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS).
Yes. WPTs are limited to checking the string type for now.
DevTrial on desktop: 104
Shipping on desktop: 105
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