Intent to Ship: popover=hint

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Mason Freed

Nov 11, 2024, 7:31:27 PM11/11/24
to blink-dev

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The Popover API ( specifies the behavior for two values of the `popover` attribute: `auto` and `manual`. This feature describes a third value, `popover=hint`. Hints, which are most often associated with "tooltip" type behaviors, have slightly different behaviors. Primarily, the difference is that `hint`s are subordinate to `auto`s when opening nested stacks of popovers. So it is possible to open an unrelated `hint` popover while an existing stack of `auto` popovers stays open. The canonical example is that a <select> picker is open (popover=auto) and a hover-triggered tooltip (popover=hint) is shown. That action does not close the <select> picker.

Blink component


TAG review

TAG review status



Interoperability and Compatibility

Since this is a new value for `popover`, there should not be any compat risks.

Gecko: Positive (

WebKit: Negative ( Apple is negative, because they see this feature as inextricably tied to the `interesttarget` feature.

Web developers: Positive ( I specifically discussed the utility of this feature with the developer community, at several OpenUI meetings. The response was overwhelmingly supportive of this feature in isolation, even without `interesttarget`. Developers think that it removes the burden of implementing all of the popover light dismiss behaviors themselves on `popover=manual` popovers, which is the only way to implement hovercards/tooltips today using popovers, if they want to avoid bad interactions with `popover=auto` popovers.

Other signals:

WebView application risks

Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?


Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, and Android WebView)?


Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests?


Flag name on about://flags

Experimental Web Platform Features

Finch feature name


Requires code in //chrome?


Tracking bug

Estimated milestones

Shipping on desktop133
Shipping on Android133
Shipping on WebView133

Anticipated spec changes

Open questions about a feature may be a source of future web compat or interop issues. Please list open issues (e.g. links to known github issues in the project for the feature specification) whose resolution may introduce web compat/interop risk (e.g., changing to naming or structure of the API in a non-backward-compatible way).

Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

Links to previous Intent discussions

Intent to Prototype:

This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status.

Mike Taylor

Nov 15, 2024, 5:20:25 PM11/15/24
to Mason Freed, blink-dev

On 11/11/24 2:30 PM, Mason Freed wrote:
I see that WebKit is opposed to landing this PR. I don't fully understand the objection - there are other instances of different UX patterns between Desktop and Mobile that users seem to understand - e.g., pull to refresh vs ctrl/cmd-r - so thank you for asking for more specifics some 3 weeks ago.


The Popover API ( specifies the behavior for two values of the `popover` attribute: `auto` and `manual`. This feature describes a third value, `popover=hint`. Hints, which are most often associated with "tooltip" type behaviors, have slightly different behaviors. Primarily, the difference is that `hint`s are subordinate to `auto`s when opening nested stacks of popovers. So it is possible to open an unrelated `hint` popover while an existing stack of `auto` popovers stays open. The canonical example is that a <select> picker is open (popover=auto) and a hover-triggered tooltip (popover=hint) is shown. That action does not close the <select> picker.

Blink component


TAG review

Is it worth asking TAG for input here? Or have they already given it?

TAG review status



Interoperability and Compatibility

Since this is a new value for `popover`, there should not be any compat risks.

Gecko: Positive (
(non-blocking note here: I see there was a patch submitted 5 months ago, but there hasn't been any visible activity around it. I wonder why.)
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Mason Freed

Nov 15, 2024, 5:54:32 PM11/15/24
to Mike Taylor, blink-dev
On Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 9:20 AM Mike Taylor <> wrote:
I see that WebKit is opposed to landing this PR. I don't fully understand the objection - there are other instances of different UX patterns between Desktop and Mobile that users seem to understand - e.g., pull to refresh vs ctrl/cmd-r - so thank you for asking for more specifics some 3 weeks ago.

TAG review

Is it worth asking TAG for input here? Or have they already given it?

So the original popover API included this feature (`popover=hint`). That original API had not just one, but three TAG reviews (1, 2, 3), and 2.5 of them included the `popover=hint` behavior. I was hoping I reached my TAG quota and could avoid another review. LMK if that makes sense.
(non-blocking note here: I see there was a patch submitted 5 months ago, but there hasn't been any visible activity around it. I wonder why.)

I'm guessing (without evidence) that this is because of the Webkit-induced uncertainty around this feature. I'm hoping this I2S alleviates some of that uncertainty. I think this is a good feature, and Mozilla and developers both seem to agree.


Domenic Denicola

Nov 18, 2024, 7:49:17 AM11/18/24
to blink-dev, Mason Freed, blink-dev, Mike Taylor

Thanks for giving more details on the TAG review; when I first saw this Intent go out I was surprised by that field being empty as it mismatched my memory. I agree that this feature has seen enough TAG discussion.

The only open spec issue I found related to this feature is which I don't believe is blocking.

I think it's unfortunate that Apple is opposed to this feature, but I agree that there is strong reasoning and web developer support for shipping it. In particular it seems multiple folks have attempted to address Apple's objections about hover patterns, pointing out that popover=hint can be used independently of hover patterns. I hope that the community produces nice polyfills for this additional attribute state so that web users and developers can get the benefits of this feature regardless.

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Mike Taylor

Nov 18, 2024, 4:30:33 PM11/18/24
to Domenic Denicola, blink-dev, Mason Freed

LGTM2 - I agree that the use cases are compelling and see there is significant demand for popover=hint.

Mason Freed

Nov 18, 2024, 5:07:21 PM11/18/24
to Mike Taylor, Domenic Denicola, blink-dev
Thanks for the LGTMs. One comment...

On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 8:30 AM Mike Taylor <> wrote:

LGTM2 - I agree that the use cases are compelling and see there is significant demand for popover=hint.

On 11/18/24 2:49 AM, Domenic Denicola wrote:

The only open spec issue I found related to this feature is which I don't believe is blocking.
Thanks for asking about that one. I just re-titled it, since it's actually related to `interesttarget` (about the delays in showing and hiding after "interest" is shown/lost). But thanks for making sure!


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Daniel Bratell

Nov 20, 2024, 3:57:36 PM11/20/24
to Mason Freed, Mike Taylor, Domenic Denicola, blink-dev


I see Apple's concerns about this being not great for mobile devices with current UI models, but the value to devices that have useful pointer devices seems great enough to motivate shipping it anyway.


Mason Freed

Nov 20, 2024, 4:51:46 PM11/20/24
to Daniel Bratell, Mike Taylor, Domenic Denicola, blink-dev
Thanks everyone.
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