Intent to Extend Origin Trial: Cross App and Web Attribution Measurement M120-M123

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Nan Lin

Oct 4, 2023, 5:20:48 PM10/4/23
to, John Delaney, Jolyn Yao, Nan Lin

Contact emails,,




Currently, the Attribution Reporting API supports attributing events within a single browser instance. This proposal expands the scope of attribution to allow attributing conversions that happen on the web to events that happen off the browser, within other applications such as mobile applications, or vice-versa.

The proposal here takes advantage of OS-level support for attribution. In particular, it gives the developer an option to allow events on the mobile web to be joinable with events in Android’s Privacy Sandbox, although support for other platforms could also be implemented in the future.

The experiment will be on Android T, S, and R devices only.

We are planning to extend the experiment for 4 more milestones M120 to M123 inclusive. 

Blink component


TAG review (Attribution Reporting API)

TAG review status




Web developers: Some testers are currently implementing and providing feedback, and commitment from an additional 5+ testers to begin engagement later this year.

Goals for experimentation

For experimentation with the new extension of the Attribution Reporting API, we hope to see that the measurement data made available through the API provides useful ad conversion data cross app and web, and that developers are able to work against both the Chrome and Android Attribution APIs.

Justification for extension

Cross app web Attribution Reporting API is currently enabled on Android T+ devices on the following platforms/channels:

Android: Canary/Dev (50%), Beta (50%), Stable (99%)

Android WebView: Canary/Dev (50%), Beta (50%), Stable (10%)

The Android API itself is available on 90% on Android T.

Currently the page load for the Cross App Web Attribution Reporting API is at 0.0128%, which we feel also mitigates burn-in risk.

The experiment on Android WebView is still being ramped up with a few planned enhancements. We plan to start the experiment on Android S and R devices soon as well. 

Given the complexity of using the new Web API in conjunction with the new Android APIs, partner testing has taken longer than expected. With this extension, we hope to get additional data on the usefulness of this API and insights into any issues in the system.

Ongoing technical constraints



The Attribution Reporting API utilizes DevTools and an internal page (chrome://attribution-internals) to facilitate testing and integration. Debug reports are supported (and when configured in a third-party context, require third-party cookies to be available).

The debugging information for OS registrations is displayed in DevTools and in chrome://attribution-internals as well. Android Measurement is also implementing a similar debugging reports framework to facilitate cross app and web testing.

Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?

No, only on Android and Android WebView for this experiment.

Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests?

No, web platform tests are not supported for Android.

Flag name


Requires code in //chrome?


Launch bug

Estimated milestones

We’d like to extend the origin trial for 4 additional milestones, with the extension starting in M120 continuing through M123. The experiment is therefore running from Chrome M114 through M123.

Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

Links to previous Intent discussions

Cross App Web Attribution Measurement I2E

Chris Harrelson

Oct 5, 2023, 10:51:06 PM10/5/23
to Nan Lin,, John Delaney, Jolyn Yao

Two questions:
* Can you demonstrate any substantial progress since the original OT request towards the requirements for shipping the feature?
* Could you share any learnings or experimental feedback gathered so far?

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Nan Lin

Oct 6, 2023, 5:44:15 PM10/6/23
to Chris Harrelson,, John Delaney, Jolyn Yao
Thanks Chris.

Since the original OT request, we have spec'd most of the cross app and web algorithms:

The Cross App and Web Attribution Reporting is an extension to the Attribution Reporting API (shipped in M115, I2S), for which the TAG review is in progress, and signals from other implementations have been requested.
We plan to request reviews and signals for this particular extension as comments to those requests soon.

Here are the feedbacks from the current experiment.
  • Initial experiments saw some unexpected losses (e.g. source/trigger registration failures or ARA reports not received) that the Android team is debugging & addressing. Some fixes depend on Android release schedules which are much longer than Chrome.
  • We're also adding the ability to register sources and triggers from WebView. We plan for that functionality to be available later this year and included in the same Origin Trial for ease of implementation.
BTW, I just realized that we should only request extension for 3 milestones at a time, so that would be from 120-122 inclusive.


Mike Taylor

Oct 6, 2023, 6:06:37 PM10/6/23
to Nan Lin, Chris Harrelson,, John Delaney, Jolyn Yao

LGTM to extend from 120 to 122 inclusive.

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