Advise on shipping existing API on a new platform

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Ajay Rahatekar

Aug 2, 2022, 4:08:52 PM8/2/22
to, Austin Sullivan, Daseul Lee, Ayu Ishii

Hello API Owners,

The Chrome Storage team is planning on shipping the File System Access API in Android and Android Webview. The API had previously shipped on WIndows, Mac, Linux and ChromeOS. The scope of shipping spans 2 intents, and

Everything in will be exposed on Android and Android Webview. What will not be shipping is show*Picker methods.

Can you please advise if we can ping one or both original intents to inform about this shipping or would a new I2S/PSA be more appropriate in this case?

Thanks in advance.
Ajay Rahatekar | Technical Program Manager | | 650-797-1279

Chris Harrelson

Aug 2, 2022, 6:45:14 PM8/2/22
to Ajay Rahatekar,, Austin Sullivan, Daseul Lee, Ayu Ishii

I think it makes sense to send a new intent with a new chromestatus entry, but reuse the existing documentation (e.g. link to the previous reviews for most details), TAG review and so on. That way the new parts will clearly highlight the milestone when it shipped on the new platforms, so developers will be well-informed.

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Ajay Rahatekar

Aug 2, 2022, 8:04:51 PM8/2/22
to Chris Harrelson,, Austin Sullivan, Daseul Lee, Ayu Ishii
Ty very much for the guidance.


Thomas Steiner

Aug 3, 2022, 6:06:33 AM8/3/22
to Ajay Rahatekar, Chris Harrelson,, Austin Sullivan, Daseul Lee, Ayu Ishii
This is great news, but sad that the `show*Picker()` methods won't be included. The related bug has 74 stars, so it's definitely something where there's developer demand for. Is there a potential future where we ship the picker methods as well?

Thomas Steiner, PhD—Developer Relations Engineer (https://blog.tomayac.com

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Austin Sullivan

Aug 3, 2022, 2:17:26 PM8/3/22
to Thomas Steiner, Ajay Rahatekar, Chris Harrelson,, Daseul Lee, Ayu Ishii
As things currently stand, there are a lot of technical challenges around exposing the show*Picker() methods (Android's inconsistent support for directories, using content URIs, playing nicely with a much more restrictive OS-level file system permissioning model, etc...) and the value prop is less clear. Some of the use cases mentioned in will be satisfied by this launch, along with many others, such as supporting SQLite-over-WASM-over-OPFS as a replacement for WebSQL.

My hope is that as the Android ecosystem evolves, the need for the show*Picker() methods will become more pressing and we can justify tackling all those challenges mentioned above. But for now let's not let perfect be the enemy of good :)
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