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Extension of dates. LATINA INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SOCIAL COMMUNICATION 2024 (online) with Revista Latina Journal SCOPUS Q-1

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Oct 7, 2024, 11:19:46 AM10/7/24
XVI LATINA CONGRESS 2024 (abstracts until 2024, october 15th) organized by Revista Latina (SCOPUS Q1
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Dear friends and colleagues,

We extend the date for receiving abstracts until October 15 for the XVI LATIN INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL COMMUNICATION CONGRESS 2024 (CILCS), which will take place on December 11nd, 12rd, and 13th in an online format at
The languages of the congress are: Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and French.

The proposed working spaces are current, interesting, and essential in a society that changes every day and at an ever-increasing pace. EDUCATION, TOURISM, SPORTS, POLITICS, MARKETING, ADVERTISING, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE... Always linked to COMMUNICATION.

Thematic spaces: (
  1. Educating in Communication
  2. Digital Communication
  3. New Trends and Research in Communication
  4. Persuasive Communication
  5. Corporate Communication
  6. Specialized Communication
  7. Limits of Communication
  8. Media business
  9. Proposals for Free Communications
  10. Thematic Panels (proposed by speakers with a minimum of 3 texts) 
Curricularly, CILCS presents:
  • Proceedings Book with ISBN 978-84-09-59705-5 (accepted abstracts after peer review)
  • And also offers seven publication possibilities (to choose one):
  1. Paper book with an electronic version from ESIC Editorial publishing house (Q1 índice SPI General). Composed of texts accepted after improvement review by double-blind peer review by the Congress Evaluation Committee.
  2. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social -RLCS- (Scopus Q-1 and SJR-SCIMAGO Q-1). A maximum of 6 texts will be published in 2025 after being accepted by the Editorial Committee.
  3. Journal in the area of Humanities (Scopus Q-1 and SJR-SCIMAGO Q-2). A maximum of 6 texts will be published in 2025 after being accepted by the Editorial Committee.
  4. Journal in the area of Social Sciences (Scopus Q-3 y SJR-SCIMAGO Q-3). A maximum of 6 texts will be published in 2025 after being accepted by the Editorial Committee.
  5. SOCIAL REVIEW, International Social Sciences Review (EBSCO). A maximum of 6 texts will be published in 2025 after being accepted by the Editorial Committee.
  6. EDU REVIEW, International Education and Learning Review (ERIHPLUS). A maximum of 6 texts will be published in 2025 after being accepted by the Editorial Committee.
  7. IROCAMM Review-International Review of Communication & Marketing Mix(ERIHPLUS). A maximum of 6 texts will be published in 2025 after being accepted by the Editorial Committee.
If a proposal for a journal is not accepted for publication in it, it will be published, after review by double blind peers, as a paper and electronic book chapter in the ESIC Editorial.

Key dates:
Abstract submission Extended until October 15th
Acceptance/Rejection Notification From October 10th
Registration fee for speakers (€180 per presenter and per presentation) Until October 25th
Registration fee for general assistants with certificate (€50)
Registration fee for student assistants with certificate (€10)
Until December 10th
Full paper submission Until November 8th
Video submission to be broadcast on December 11nd or email notification that you wish to
present the paper live on November 12rd or 13th
Until November 15th
Celebration online December 11nd, 12rd, and 13th

More information at: Phone and WhatsApp (+34) 663 935 312


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