Heads-Ups: Chrome 117 Optional Backwards Incompatible Changes

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Akash Nadan

Aug 7, 2023, 6:48:34 PM8/7/23
to Attribution Reporting API announcements

Hi Everyone,

We are planning to implement the following optional backwards incompatible changes in Chrome 117:

  • Lookback window in filters

    • This will add an optional reserved keyword “_lookback_window” to trigger filters. This change will cause breakage for any source or trigger registrations which currently use a “_lookback_window” key.

  • Prohibiting negative durations in report windows

    • Any negative durations for report windows will result in a failure rather than being clamped to a minimum value. If a registration fails, there will be no user-visible or web-visible breakage.

Link to Intent to Ship for Attribution Reporting Chrome 117 features: https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/nWF61c8xu-M

Please let us know if there are any concerns.



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