Hi everyone,
Just an FYI that we will be deprecating the “AggregationServiceMultipleCloudProviders:aws_cloud” and “AggregationServiceMultipleCloudProviders:gcp_cloud” parameters in M126 (currently in Canary/Dev).
If you are currently doing local testing, then you will need to make the following change to avoid any incompatibility:
Begin using the new parameter
“AggregationServiceMultipleCloudProviders:allowlist” to specify a comma separated list of origins for the public key endpoints.
Example: --enable_features="AggregationServiceMultipleCloudProviders:allowlist/https%3A%2F%2Fmyaws%2Ecom%2Chttps%3A%2F%2Fmygcp%2Ecom”
This change will not have any impact on production testing
Please reach out if you have any questions.