Announcement: 📢 M134 Chrome updates for ARA

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Nour Nabil

Feb 18, 2025, 10:56:01 PMFeb 18
to Attribution Reporting API announcements

Hello ARA testers!

The following change is coming up in M134 for the Attribution Reporting API:

What has changed?

Previously, the number of aggregatable reports that could be generated per source registration was limited to 20 reports. This change removes the aggregatable report limit when a trigger context ID is provided as part of the trigger registration.

How does this affect you?

When specifying a trigger registration with a non-null “trigger_context_id”, there will no longer be a limit of 20 aggregatable reports that can be generated per source registration. This enables you to measure a greater number of conversion events regardless of the 20 reports limit.

Other limits restricting aggregatable reports, such as L1 contribution budget (65,536) per source and the attribution rate limit, are still in effect to restrict the total amount of information that can be measured. 

Note that when a trigger_context_id has been specified, the API sends a higher number of null reports to protect against cross-site information leaking.

That’s all for M134! For any comments or questions, please reply to this post or open an issue in the Privacy Sandbox Dev Support repository on GitHub.

Thanks, and till our next update.

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