Adopt debug reports (+ New developer guide)

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Maud Nalpas

Dec 14, 2022, 1:47:29 PM12/14/22
to Attribution Reporting API announcements
Hello everyone,

If you're testing the API, we recommend you set up debug reports.

New guide
We've published yesterday a guide for Debugging Attribution Reporting. In this guide, you'll learn why you need debug reports (Part 1), how to set them up (Part 2), and how to use them (Part 3: Cookbook).

Use success and verbose debug reports
The existing debug reports you may have been using so far are now referred to as success debug reports. Available since Chrome 109, verbose debug reports help to complete the debug journey: they enable you to identify the causes for differences you may have observed between cookie-based measurement results and Attribution Reporting measurement results, and to troubleshoot possible implementation issues.

Adopting debug reports
If you have any questions or issues while setting up debug reports, please ask! File an issue on dev-support.

Try the demo to see how debug reports are generated in practice. See the corresponding code.
Example: When no matching source can be found for a given trigger event, a verbose debug report is generated and sent to the reporting endpoint. Depending on its type, a verbose debug report may indicate an intended privacy limitation or storage limitation, or a possible implementation issue for you to troubleshoot. Learn more in the debugging guide.

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