Popup devtools

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Павел Рюмкин

Jun 23, 2015, 6:07:45 PM6/23/15
to chromium...@chromium.org
Hi, this is feature request to add devtools option into popup params. It should make popup to opens with dev tools panel expanded:

window.open('./some/url.html', null, 'devtools=yes').

I need this for online IDE.

Jonathan Garbee

Jun 23, 2015, 7:01:07 PM6/23/15
to upro...@gmail.com, chromium...@chromium.org

This is not in alignment with the standard for the open method. Further, web developers should not be able to build links that open the suite of tools. They are triggered via specific actions so it is clearer what they are and how they should be used.

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