Intent to Deprecate and Remove: Headers.prototype.getAll()

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Dong-Hee Na

non lue,
30 mars 2017, 07:44:0530/03/2017
à blink-dev

Primary eng (and PM) emails,


Deprecate and Remove the Headers.prototype.getAll().

This function is removed from the Fetch API specification.


It has been removed from the Fetch API specification:

Compatibility Risk

Usage counter is indicating very low usage. (only zeros reported)


Usage information from UseCounter

Alternative implementation suggestion for web developers

After this CL is landed. Headers.get() function is doing almost same thing.

Requesting approval to remove too?


Dimitri Glazkov

non lue,
30 mars 2017, 14:26:4730/03/2017
à Dong-Hee Na,blink-dev

Philip Jägenstedt

non lue,
30 mars 2017, 14:32:5030/03/2017
à Dimitri Glazkov,Dong-Hee Na,blink-dev

Chris Harrelson

non lue,
30 mars 2017, 16:26:5530/03/2017
à Philip Jägenstedt,Dimitri Glazkov,Dong-Hee Na,blink-dev

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Joe Medley

non lue,
30 mars 2017, 21:56:3530/03/2017
à Chris Harrelson,Philip Jägenstedt,Dimitri Glazkov,Dong-Hee Na,blink-dev
Is there a tracking bug? I need a way to follow this so I can write about it.

Joe Medley | Technical Writer, Chrome DevRel | | 816-678-7195
If an API's not documented it doesn't exist.

Yutaka Hirano

non lue,
31 mars 2017, 01:03:5331/03/2017
à Joe Medley,Chris Harrelson,Philip Jägenstedt,Dimitri Glazkov,Dong-Hee Na,blink-dev

Joe Medley

non lue,
5 avr. 2017, 15:54:5305/04/2017
à blink-dev
Dong-Hee Na,

I need a way to follow this. Do you have any kind of bug I can star?

On Thursday, March 30, 2017 at 12:44:05 AM UTC-7, Dong-Hee Na wrote:

Primary eng (and PM) emails


non lue,
5 avr. 2017, 16:16:2405/04/2017
à Joe Medley,blink-dev




non lue,
5 avr. 2017, 16:17:3605/04/2017
à Dong-Hee Na,blink-dev
Can you create a ChromeStatus entry?

Thank you!



Dong-Hee Na

non lue,
5 avr. 2017, 17:41:5405/04/2017
à PhistucK,blink-dev

Thank you for letting me know that.
This is my first deprecating and removing API process.
Although I don't have account. Could I create a ChromeStatus entry by my hand?
If so, Can you leave a guide for me?(Some kinds of a manual link will help me!)

Thank you!
Men are nearly always willing to believe

what they wish.

--Julius Caesar--


non lue,
5 avr. 2017, 17:47:3105/04/2017
à Dong-Hee Na,blink-dev
I guess you cannot. :(


Dong-Hee Na

non lue,
5 avr. 2017, 17:55:3105/04/2017
à PhistucK,blink-dev
That's a sad story. 
I think other owners who related to this issue could do that :)

Dong-Hee Na

non lue,
6 avr. 2017, 07:04:3106/04/2017
à PhistucK,blink-dev
I requested 'edit' access for ChromeStatus.
If it is approved, I will proceed this features.

Dong-Hee Na

non lue,
12 avr. 2017, 15:03:3912/04/2017
à blink-dev,PhistucK,: Chris Harrelson,Philip Jägenstedt,Dimitri Glazkov,Dong-Hee Na
For reviewers,

I think we can remove it directly without a deprecated period. because this API usage is only 0.0.
Also, the deprecated period can rather increase the API usage rate.

So I request this intent to change the title into Remove the Headers.prototype.getAll().

Philip Jägenstedt

non lue,
13 avr. 2017, 05:00:3213/04/2017
à Dong-Hee Na,blink-dev,PhistucK,: Chris Harrelson,Dimitri Glazkov
The deprecation period wasn't discussed and you asked to remove, so no deprecation period for this SGTM. was new in M57 and the other new counters in M57 have taken off while this remains at zero. Given how new it is, removing it quickly seems good.



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non lue,
13 avr. 2017, 10:38:4213/04/2017
à Dong-Hee Na,blink-dev,: Chris Harrelson,Dimitri Glazkov,Philip Jägenstedt
Did you manage to get edit access already? Can you create the ChromeStatus entry?




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Dong-Hee Na

non lue,
13 avr. 2017, 11:33:0713/04/2017
à PhistucK,Philip Jägenstedt,: Chris Harrelson,Dimitri Glazkov,blink-dev
Yes I got the permission so I am able to add this feature when this request is accepted.

2017. 4. 13. 오후 7:38에 "PhistucK" <>님이 작성:


non lue,
13 avr. 2017, 11:49:1413/04/2017
à Dong-Hee Na,Philip Jägenstedt,: Chris Harrelson,Dimitri Glazkov,blink-dev
The intent was approved already, you can create an entry, :)


Dong-Hee Na

non lue,
13 avr. 2017, 15:04:2913/04/2017
à PhistucK,Philip Jägenstedt,: Chris Harrelson,Dimitri Glazkov,blink-dev
I added this feature on the Chrome Status.

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