Intent to Remove: SVGElement.offsetParent/offsetTop/offsetLeft/offsetWidth/offsetHeight

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Philip Jägenstedt

non lue,
22 févr. 2016, 22:24:5222/02/2016
à blink-dev

Primary eng (and PM) emails

Link to “Intent to Deprecate” thread


Remove the attributes offsetParent, offsetTop, offsetLeft, offsetWidth and offsetHeight on SVGElement. These have been deprecated in M48-49, with the deprecation message saying that it will be gone in M50.


In Gecko and Edge, these attributes are only supported on HTMLElement. AFAIK, they were never spec'd for Element generally or SVGElement specifically.

Compatibility Risk

There was some pushback on the Intent to Deprecate, based on jQuery does not try to support SVG, and the issue was eventually closed. 

AFAICT, people have triggered the deprecation messages by using jQuery's custom :visible/:hidden selectors and position().

For :visible/:hidden, the issue has been fixed in jQuery 2.2.0, and if upgrading isn't feasible then simply overwriting with the new definitions after loading jQuery should work:

jQuery.expr.filters.hidden = function( elem ) {
  return !jQuery.expr.filters.visible( elem );
jQuery.expr.filters.visible = function( elem ) {
  return elem.offsetWidth > 0 || elem.offsetHeight > 0 || elem.getClientRects().length > 0;

The position() method uses a custom offsetParent() internally, which in turn depends on offsetParent. illustrates the difference:

offsetParent(): div
position(): {"top":20,"left":20}

offsetParent(): html
position(): {"top":29.5,"left":29.5}

offsetParent(): html
position(): {"top":30,"left":30}

After the change Blink will match Gecko. The "simple" advice here is to do whatever currently works in Edge/Gecko. These jQuery APIs are essentially wrappers for the removed APIs, so trying to polyfill the old behavior does not sound like a good idea.

Nevertheless, one can get the position of an element relative to another by calling getBoundingClientRect() on both and calculating the difference. offsetParent can also be faked to some degree. sketches these ideas, but this kind of approach ought to be a last resort.

Usage information from UseCounter

OWP launch tracking bug

Entry on the feature dashboard

Rick Byers

non lue,
23 févr. 2016, 11:30:4223/02/2016
à Philip Jägenstedt,blink-dev
I'm a little worried about the compat risk here, but the fact that Edge (with a WebKit UA string) already successfully has this behavior mitigates the risk substantially.  

LGTM1 to remove.

Dimitri Glazkov

non lue,
23 févr. 2016, 11:31:0823/02/2016
à Rick Byers,Philip Jägenstedt,blink-dev


Chris Harrelson

non lue,
23 févr. 2016, 12:07:0023/02/2016
à Dimitri Glazkov,Rick Byers,Philip Jägenstedt,blink-dev

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non lue,
24 avr. 2016, 08:45:4024/04/2016
à blink-dev

Philip Jägenstedt

non lue,
25 avr. 2016, 05:46:3025/04/2016
à Chris Harrelson,Dimitri Glazkov,Rick Byers,blink-dev
There was some fallout from this, with a broken SVG graph on That was also broken in Edge (see screenshot in comment) and would probably also be fixed by using a newer version of dojo, so I closed the issue as WontFix. Given enough breakage of this sort we should reconsider, so if anybody sees more of it, please poke issue 463116 or this thread.

non lue,
21 juin 2016, 11:09:0421/06/2016
à blink-dev

non lue,
21 juin 2016, 11:21:2321/06/2016
à blink-dev

Implementation Status

Enabled by default in desktop Chrome 52 (launch bug)

Available in Chrome for Android release 52.

Available in Android WebView release 52.

Consensus & Standardization

  • In development
  • No public signals
  • Shipped in release 39
  • Shipped in release 39
  • No public signals
  • No signals


Last updated on 2016-05-31

On Tuesday, 23 February 2016 11:24:52 UTC+8, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:


non lue,
21 juin 2016, 12:11:3621/06/2016
Stop spamming the group.


non lue,
14 juil. 2016, 06:32:0814/07/2016
à blink-dev
Le message a été supprimé

non lue,
27 août 2016, 15:29:2727/08/2016
à blink-dev,
when i open Facebook .automatically closed and aw loop option come.

non lue,
27 août 2016, 15:30:3627/08/2016
à blink-dev,
when i open facebook .automatically closed .aw loop option come.

On Monday, February 22, 2016 at 7:24:52 PM UTC-8, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:


non lue,
27 août 2016, 15:51:2527/08/2016
à,blink-dev,Philip Jägenstedt
This is completely off topic. Use the product forums instead.


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13 mars 2017, 14:02:4313/03/2017
à blink-dev,

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22 mars 2017, 04:47:3422/03/2017
à blink-dev,
เมื่อ วันอังคารที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ ค.ศ. 2016 10 นาฬิกา 24 นาที 52 วินาที UTC+7, Philip Jägenstedt เขียนว่า:

non lue,
23 mars 2020, 14:33:2423/03/2020
à blink-dev
Remove. I am not interested
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