Primary eng (and PM) emails
Remove the DeviceOrientationEvent.initDeviceOrientationEvent and DeviceMotionEvent.initDeviceMotionEvent functions.
These methods are not defined in the DeviceOrientation Event specification. Measurements indicate that they have no usage and they can be entirely replaced by the DeviceOrientationEvent and DeviceMotionEvent constructors that are being shipped in parallel to this intent.
Compatibility And Interoperability Risk
Chrome has supported Device Orientation since M-7. These unspecified functions were shipped on all WebKit platforms at the time (Chrome and Mobile Safari). UseCounters indicate that these functions have zero usage.
Edge: Deprecated ("As of Microsoft Edge, the createEvent()/initEvent() constructor pattern for synthetic events is deprecated.")
Firefox: Shipped
Safari: Shipped
Web developers: No signals
Alternative implementation suggestion for web developers
Sites which wish to generate synthetic DeviceOrientationEvents and DeviceMotionEvents may use the constructors which are shipping in parallel to this removal.
Usage information from UseCounter
No usage. DeviceOrientationEvent.initDeviceOrientationEvent metrics. DeviceMotionEvent.initDeviceMotionEvent metrics.
OWP launch tracking bug
Entry on the feature dashboard
Based on discussion on the W3C Device Orientation spec GitHub Issue Tracker I have updated the feature dashboard with the support and skepticism from other vendors:Edge: Public supportFirefox: Public support
Safari: Public skepticism
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